In the Age of Myth Boingob, Father of All Squigs, trekked across the realms in a glorious rampage the likes of which could only be matched by Gorkamorka himself. When the great squig landed in Rondhol. The land was feisty that day and shook all its mass to set loose the collective pollen of uncountable […]

Titanneedle stood in rooted amongst the rotted bodies on the wasteland of a battlefield. The emergence of the Shadow Dragon had stunned the wargrove. Few things brought dread to those without the Spirit-Song, but this incarnation seemed to cast out waves across all of Drakengrad. The Stinging Rain reported in hushed signs that every faction […]

The ancient looked out over the broken battlefield. The metal beasts of man lay strewn about in heaps, piles of beastmen surrounding them like barricades of tainted flesh. Scorch marks that stank of fulminated earth, and myriad beasts of the distant stars rot in the still air. Cultists and brightly garbed soldiers and […]

Taro heard the gossip and tales that had been weaving themselves about the tribe. One of the priestesses apparently was grabbed during a harvesting outing by some cultists of the Fell Dragon. Taro spit at the dirt between the ghurain rows. A bunch of looncap snuffing hooligans those ones were, trying to prove […]