Dreams Dominar Khask was not known for being sentimental but couldn’t help but feel some pride as he watched a bustling camp spring into being. It had been a hard march through dangerous territory to get to the shore opposite the Slidecrown Isle, and a difficult if short boat ride to the island itself. Despite […]
Da Voidfang Skrap Urgoth laughed as Bonecracka chomped down on one of the knight’s steeds. Chunks of the warboss’s armor had fallen off. He was covered in scrapes and cuts and had at least one humie blade sticking out of him. Bonecracka also had a few spears stuck in him. It was the most fun […]

Ride of Da Maw-Krusha Atop the battlements of the Fortress of the Chalice an orruk in a colorful tabard paused in the middle of his patrol route. He squinted into the distance, trying to figure out what was distracting him. Something was…different. It was a bright day moments ago and things had gone all dark. […]
Durbok glared at the back of Dethmuttera’s head as they stood silently among a thick copse in the depths of the Furyoth Dell. He’d been sleeping well and dreaming of krumping when a whack in the head from the shaman’s staff had woken him. “Boss’s orders”, the lanky robed Orruk had said, before telling Durbok […]
Urgoth roared as he charged a mass of Fae Knights. He felt their swords and spears clanging against his armor, and even biting into his flesh in some spots, but the massive Orruk ignored the stings. Each quick if inelegant swing of his boss choppa crumbled metal and bone alike, leaving ruined wrecks in his […]