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Obsidiax Scintilade


The City of the Obsidiax Scintilade is an oasis of tranquility in the otherwise violent grounds of the Steppe. Here, mortal artisans create lavish art while undead servants work to fulfill their every needs.

Passion and skill curry more favor in the Scintilade than brute force does, but that is not to say that its people are weak. Instead they see combat as another art form to master and another skill to perfect.

It is through their worship of the Shining One that the Scintilade can prosper. The lich priests of the cult maintain the undead armies that protect the city from roaming beasts and aggressive tribes.


The Mortal Pinnacle


The Fangwood : The Great Weave


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Path to Story


The Obsidiax Scintilade is a neutral faction in the battles of the Hungering Steppe. They can be used as allies or adversaries in your Path to Glory battles.

Recommended Armies to portray them as:

  • Deathrattle Soulblight Gravelords
  • Mortal Focused Hedonites of Slaanesh
  • Any army with an emphasis on elegance or undeath

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