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Old Brass

Old Brass-184787b6

Submitted by:

Tectonic Dan & Nuno Martins @WH_narratives

This craggy volcanic range is home to an ancient fortification from the age of Chaos. A Chaos gate to the Blood Fields of Khorne was opened here long ago, pulsating a stream of violence into the minds of anyone in the vicinity. Suffice to say, this has been enough to send all the monsters nearby into a killing frenzy, and even the very land of Rondhol here is angry, spewing lava and gouts of pyroclasm into the air. The fortifications however, would be a valuable location if secured (and cleansed if you are not fond of Chaos Rifts).

Old Brass-184787b6

Submitted by:

Tectonic Dan & Nuno Martins @WH_narratives


Do not destroy without permission
Soulbound Doom Level: 10

Warcry Twist Rules:

Lava River: If a fighter finishes a move of any kind on a terrain piece with this rule, it is immediately taken down. If a fighter is within 1” of one of these terrain pieces, it counts as being on Deadly terrain.

Crumbling Walls: Model must roll a die when they end their move on a platform. On a 1-2, they must test as if the terrain is Deadly.

Rage of Khorne: Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic and 1 to Strength of all melee attacks (less than 3” range).

Realm Rules:

(Rules based on Holy Havoc, Holy Wars, by Steve Herner)

Crumbling Walls: After each movement phase, all units within 3″ the Brass Fortress roll a die: on a 1 that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds (1 mortal wound if the unit has only 1 model).

Lava River: If a unit finishes a move of any kind on a terrain piece with this rule, for each model on the terrain piece it suffers 1 mortal wound.

Gouts of Lava Spew Forth: At the end of each battle round, after battleshock is resolved, all units within 18″ of any lava pool must roll a die: on a 1-3 they suffer 1 mortal Wound.   

Warpgate of Khorne: Units wholly within 18″ of the Warpgate of Khorne have a 5+ ward save against all spells, and gain +1 to wound rolls. They must, however, always charge if they are between 3”-12” of an enemy unit.


Do not destroy without permission
Soulbound Doom Level: 10

Warcry Twists:

Lava River: If a fighter finishes a move of any kind on a terrain piece with this rule, it is immediately taken down. If a fighter is within 1” of one of these terrain pieces, it counts as being on Deadly terrain.

Crumbling Walls: Model must roll a die when they end their move on a platform. On a 1-2, they must test as if the terrain is Deadly.

Rage of Khorne: Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic and 1 to Strength of all melee attacks (less than 3” range).

Region of War Rules:

(Rules based on Holy Havoc, Holy Wars, by Steve Herner)

Crumbling Walls: After each movement phase, all units within 3″ the Brass Fortress roll a die: on a 1 that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds (1 mortal wound if the unit has only 1 model).

Lava River: If a unit finishes a move of any kind on a terrain piece with this rule, for each model on the terrain piece it suffers 1 mortal wound.

Gouts of Lava Spew Forth: At the end of each battle round, after battleshock is resolved, all units within 18″ of any lava pool must roll a die: on a 1-3 they suffer 1 mortal Wound.   

Warpgate of Khorne: Units wholly within 18″ of the Warpgate of Khorne have a 5+ ward save against all spells, and gain +1 to wound rolls. They must, however, always charge if they are between 3”-12” of an enemy unit.

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Burning Templar
2 years ago

A place of such wondrous potential!
The Templars under Archprophetess Sytarith the Intricate make camp in a defensible position. The Archprophetess herself busies herself with studies and rituals.

Burning Templar
Reply to  Burning Templar
2 years ago


Performing a most dangerous ritual, the Templars had to defend against a host of Seraphon trying to stop them.
In the end, the Seraphon were too late.
(Warcry victory for the Templars)

Burning Templar
2 years ago

After opening the rift and observing the powerful changes that came upon Furyoth Dell as a consequence, the Templar expedition followed the crevasse that had appeared nearby.


Burning Templar
2 years ago

After stealthily taking out the scouts and watchmen of the Xarlanthian Seraphon (Warcry Templar victory),
The Battle of Old Brass commences…
