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Old Kleah – the City wreathed in Flame

Old Kleah

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Burning Templar

Old Kleah is a massive, ancient city carved at the behest of long forgotten warlords and daemons out of black stone around the fallen Hydra’s head. It is surrounded by imposing obsidian walls, and presents the heart of the Crusader State of the Templars of Our Burning Saviour in Thondia.

Taken by Templar Forces from the Khornate Desraki Dominion, the Tzaangor conquerors have been diligent in their efforts to remove all Khornate influence and the signs of their brutal rule from the city. Cheered on by a freed populace of former slaves, the Neos Khornate Temple has been torn down and a Grand Temple to Our Burning Saviour built in its place.

Pyres of celebration and ritual are regularly lit in the streets of the city, and processions of the faithful led by priests in red robes can be seen trailing through the city singing sacred Hymns of Worship and Glory. The city’s canal system, once a pathway for the blood spilled at the Neos temple, now is regularly set aflame in burning oil, giving the city its new epithet.

On days of celebration, the Sacred Song of the Choir of the Burning can be heard from the great plaza before the temple.

Tzaangor Templars in golden armour patrol the walls and streets.

Outside the city walls but close to Old Kleah, the mercenary company of the Kharadron Captain Brarkeja Hammersworn and Grumnock Rawscorn of the Greyfyrd lodge have been allowed to built barracks and an attached skyport, the Hammerscorn Bastion; thus the company uses Old Kleah as its base of operations and simultaneously generates wealth through trade and loot; a mutually beneficial arrangement.

A Thondian branch of the Academy of the Arcane Arts in Aith’erant has been founded in Old Kleah. Here, the native population is instructed in magic pleasing to Our Saviour. The Magisters, Adepts and Acolytes of the Academy of the Arcane Arts of Old Kleah serve an important role in the Crusader state, joining the Templars as an additional combat force.

Within the walls of the Bastion of Salvation, the Paladin of Fate, Vardeshir the Solemn reigns over the Crusader State, with the two headed Tzaangor Rāstsar the Immanent and Zhapsar the Transcendent as his second(s) in command.

Old Kleah

Submitted by:

Burning Templar


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Soulbound Doom Level: 10

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I'm always open to collaboration, please contact me on discord if interested.

Soulbound Doom Level: 10

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