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Old Rationhouses

Old rationhouses-edf629b7

Submitted by:

Tectonic Dan & Nuno Martins @WH_narratives

A number of ruined buildings hide in this section of the jungle. Tall, stone buildings jutting out at uneven angles, with stone ramps leading to apparent pits framed by a series of long rooms, and rust-stained holes in the interiors of the walls rimming the pit. Rich greenery grows within the walls and down the pits. 

These seem to once have been large kitchens and slaughterhouses, with the large grates used to cook megafauna and sometimes war captives. Remains of firewood and charcoal are still stored under the ramps, the long storage rooms used for tools, condiments, and spices. The pits grew so lush because the years of charcoal deeply enriched the soil, and veritable wild orchards are growing in them. The area can be a great defensive position filled with bountiful supplies, and even the resources to process any food hunted.

But you first will have to prevent yourself from being processed by the food still running around.

Old rationhouses-edf629b7

Submitted by:

Tectonic Dan & Nuno Martins @WH_narratives


Do not destroy without permission
Soulbound Doom Level: 3

Warcry Twist Rules:

Apex Predator. Players roll off. The winner sets up 1 chaotic beast on the battlefield, of any points cost. It ca. Be set up anywhere on the battlefield more than 5″ away from any other fighters. In addition, if the chaotic beast set up has a wounds characteristic of less than 30, increase it to 30 for the duration of this battle.

Realm Rules:

Territory of Beasts: Just before territories are decided, players roll off. The winner can set one MONSTER within 3” of the center of the battlefield. This is referred to as the monstrous denizen. Any MONSTER from any faction can be chosen. If the MONSTER is a mount, then it does not have a rider: ignore all rules that refer to the rider and use only those that apply to the mount. If there is uncertainty about any of them, roll off to decide.
Then the other player also places a monstrous denizen, following the same rules, more than 3” from the other monstrous denizen.

At the start of each battle round, before determining priority, players roll off. The winner treats the monstrous denizen as a unit in their army for the duration of that battle round, and their opponent treats it as an enemy unit. The other player in turn controls the other monstrous denizen. The monstrous denizen’s commanding player can choose to attack it, but if they do then immediately they treat it as an enemy unit until the end of the battle round, and their opponent treats it as a unit in their army. The monstrous denizen cannot attack itself.


Do not destroy without permission
Soulbound Doom Level: 3

Warcry Twists:

Apex Predator. Players roll off. The winner sets up 1 chaotic beast on the battlefield, of any points cost. It ca. Be set up anywhere on the battlefield more than 5″ away from any other fighters. In addition, if the chaotic beast set up has a wounds characteristic of less than 30, increase it to 30 for the duration of this battle.

Region of War Rules:

Territory of Beasts: Just before territories are decided, players roll off. The winner can set one MONSTER within 3” of the center of the battlefield. This is referred to as the monstrous denizen. Any MONSTER from any faction can be chosen. If the MONSTER is a mount, then it does not have a rider: ignore all rules that refer to the rider and use only those that apply to the mount. If there is uncertainty about any of them, roll off to decide.
Then the other player also places a monstrous denizen, following the same rules, more than 3” from the other monstrous denizen.

At the start of each battle round, before determining priority, players roll off. The winner treats the monstrous denizen as a unit in their army for the duration of that battle round, and their opponent treats it as an enemy unit. The other player in turn controls the other monstrous denizen. The monstrous denizen’s commanding player can choose to attack it, but if they do then immediately they treat it as an enemy unit until the end of the battle round, and their opponent treats it as a unit in their army. The monstrous denizen cannot attack itself.

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