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Old Viggo and his Stomp

Sep 7, 2021

Tygon Panthera

In Ghur, it is said, everything is trying to eat everything else. Even the land itself. Great gorges open up to swallow forests and rivers. Deserts suck the vitality out of fertile lands. Continents devour each other. And even the seas endlessly gnaw away at this coasts. This makes mapping the realm quite a frustrating endeavor. However, there are a few rare spots that appear to be fixed. One of these is a stretch of land along the Coast of Storms. Around it the Krakensea has eating away at the continent, but this piece appears to be resolutely defiant. Ancient maps, long discarded for their inaccuracy, have a name for the area. But these days everyone simply calls it Viggo’s Point. The reason for this is the Kraken-Eater Mega-Gargant who has made the area his home: Old Viggo, the Tidebreaker

Old Viggo settled in the area centuries ago, seeking solitude, like most Kraken-Eaters do. Ever since then the sea seemed to be unable, or unwilling, to attack his stretch of coast. While most scholars scoff as such nonsense, locals claim that on his first night after coming here Old Viggo stomped into the Krakensea and beat the incoming tide back with his bare fists. According to them it is since then that the sea is too scared to assault Viggo’s home. Old Viggo, boastful as any Gargant, will loudly confirm these claims, which have earned him his honorific.

As far as Mega-Gargants go, Old Viggo was a calm fellow. As long as you stayed away from what he considers “his” coast, he would generally leave you in peace. One might think that was enough to make people stay away. But the opportunities a peaceful stretch of sea, especially along the Coast of Storms, offered was too tempting for some. It meant not only easy fishing but a relatively safe place to land. Of course, the fact that Old Viggo regularly patrolled his cost for interlopers meant it was a dubious safety at best.

An avaricious hoarder, like most Kraken-Eaters are, Old Viggo has amassed a treasure trove, which he protects jealously. More than one hero had set out to liberate these riches, only to add their possessions to Viggo’s. His most prized treasures and trophies however the great brute always carries with him. The legs of a gigantic karkin crab are tied to his back. A Mogalodon jaw hangs around his neck. Countless magical artifacts, plundered from heroes who tried to kill him or the holds of passing sailing ships, decorate his body. And when fighting he often wields the still living tentacle of a deep kraken like a grotesque whip.

Old Viggo values his solitude. However, in recent years more and more Gargants have gathered around Viggo’s Point. They kept their distance at first but soon dared to approach Old Viggo. The first who did so, an old Mancrusher named Kraggi, got half of his right leg ripped off as thanks. But eventually Viggo got used to the presence of the smaller Gargants, until he even started to tolerate them. As it turns out, having a bunch of underlings to bully around and make do stuff for him was rather useful, be it getting him something to eat or simply to carry his possessions.

Most recently another Mega-Gargant has appeared at Viggo’s Point. A younger fellow, he proclaimed that he wanted to join Old Viggo’s Stomp. At first the Kraken-Eater didn’t want anything to do with that. The bunch of Mancrushers was one thing, but another brute, almost as big as himself? He would not tolerate that! However, the other Mega-Gargant, who went by the name of Drabb Cannon-Chucker, knew that he had to either impress or bribe the older Gargant. So he waded out into the Krakensea and waited. Before long he came across a proud galleon, the Zephyr of the Seas. Like one of the dreaded monstrosities from the deeps Drabb rose from the waters to drag the entire ship under, breaking it apart with his bare hands, a feat that would surely impress even Old Viggo. Several cannons and parts of the mast he tied together to present to Viggo as a truly mighty club. For himself he kept the figurehead of the ship. Made of solid bronze and shaped like one of the Stormcast Eternals’ Knights Zephyros and with the ships anchor chain wrapped around it made for a very effective flail. Old Viggo was indeed impressed, both by the deed and by the gift.

It appears like the peaceful times at Viggo’s Point are a thing of the past however. And this is not just because of the suddenly high number of Gargants in the area. Maybe it was the arrival of a second Mega-Gargant that triggered something. Maybe it would have happened anyway, and the gathering of Gargants was merely a happenstance. But there was a call to battle and violence that Old Viggo felt in his ancient bones. The old Mega-Gargant ignored it a first, but as the days passed it became more insistent until he saw two great beasts in his dreams, far north of his coast. Combined with the restlessness of the other Gargants it finally made Old Viggo give in. Gathering his precious belongings he set out at the head of the Stomp he never wanted, towards the distant city of Nassollotyl. Do to what… that neither Old Viggo nor his Gargants know. But one thing is certain: It is bad news for anyone in their way.

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