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Olrog Iron’ead

Olrog was a mercenary who was surprisingly cunning and intelligent for an Orruck. He earned the title Iron’ead by his tendency to head butt rivals into submission. During his early years he recruited his lieutenant Bolg to his cause. Bolg has remained with Olrog throughout his many campaigns, serving him faithfully and acting on his behalf when needed.

Olrog became the Prophet of the Waaagh by sacrificing an Aelf Mage following the Realm Hoppers crisis. But Olrog knew he was destined for more power.


Submitted by:

Witney Warhammer


Do not destroy without permission

During the Leviathan’s campaign his Hunter orruk, Snikrod secured a Chamon Realmbeast for Olrog in the form of a giant tortoise, which Olrog then utilised to bring about the destruction of the city of Colarcanium during the Rise of Empires campaign. The resultant Waaagh energy released by the destruction of the city turned Olrog into the Avatar of the Waaagh.

Olrog has a special task force he calls the Freebooters. They kidnapped a Kharadron Overlord engineer who built them an airship they call Gork’s Thunder. During their adventures, they acquire a massive Waaagh Canon from the Skaven warlord Warpdigger for services rendered.

During the Aethermy wars, Olrog unleashed a pogrom against Alef kind. However, despite initial successes in uniting the forces of destruction in the area under his control, he is backstabbed by one of his sub-warlords who is possessed by an Aelven weapon. Olrog’s Waaagh! is badly beaten by an alliance of Stormcast and Daughters of Khaine.

As Olrog lies injured, the wound from the Aelven weapon refusing to heal, he is approached by a Fungoid Cave Shaman who tells him the whole thing is a reminder from Gorkamorka that he is supposed to be the embodiment of the Waaagh and not pursuing his personal vendetta against Aelves. He hands Olrog an Aether potion which Olrog drinks and he’s not seen for many years.

Snikrod becomes somewhat of a religious fanatic and creates a religious group called Da Faifful who set about preaching the return of Olrog, their warcry Badkop Shak (Olrog Lives) becomes a byword for Orrukish mayhem. Bolg takes a more pragmatic approach and maintains that Olrog is no god but the greatest Warlord of all time.

During Tarnus Brightmane’s uprising, Da Faifful side with Dracothfoote to use it as a means of returning Olrog by using the resulting carnage to summon the Evil Sun. They do this and Olrog is reborn as the Incarnation of the Waaagh. No longer a mortal being, he becomes the Physical embodiment of the Waaagh.

Olrog bestows a portion of his power to Bolg and his closest followers who now fight as the Waaaghcast Eturnals.

Although reborn, Olrog had still not developed full powers. During the campaign to find the Secret of Dinorwig, Bolg and Snikrod corrupt the eldritch powers in Dinorwig’s Stormvault to perform a massed sacrifice of chaos troops which allows Olrog to reach his ultimate form.

Olrog is now regarded by many as the embodiment of the Waaagh and essentially a daemon of Gorkamorka.

With Dracothfoote planning to retake the lands acquired by Olrog during the Secrets of Dinorwig campaign with something called the Maklatan Project, Olrog finally finds a use for the Waaagh cannon acquired from Warpdigger.

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.