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On Da Trail

Mar 29, 2023


Urgoth roared as he charged a mass of Fae Knights. He felt their swords and spears clanging against his armor, and even biting into his flesh in some spots, but the massive Orruk ignored the stings. Each quick if inelegant swing of his boss choppa crumbled metal and bone alike, leaving ruined wrecks in his wake.

The Megaboss eyed a mounted knight charging in his direction. Urgoth braced himself, raising his choppa high, when he heard a screech. A shadow fell over the knight, and just as she looked up huge claws wrapped around her shoulders, dragging her into the sky. Urgoth saluted Flappy, the giant bat Durbok had tamed in the Dell, as it flew away with its meal. The knight’s mount, seeming to think better of the fight given the loss of its rider, peeled back off into the forest, chased by a pair of brutes riding eerily silent Ghost Gruntaz.

Urgoth glanced around for more enemies but the battle was over. His forces had taken a couple losses, but far fewer than their Fae touched enemies. He grinned as he saw very few of his Orruks, joined by a somewhat greater number of grots, looting bodies. The rest were following his directions and destroying any containers of Amber Blood they found. He thought of knocking some of the shirker’s heads together, but decided to let them have their fun. The rest of the boyz were about done, anyway.

“In a good mood, boss?” A robed Orruk, less massive than his fellow Ironjawz, approached.

Urgoth turned to his shaman.

“Yoo bet Iz in a gud mood, Dethmuttera. Yoo was right. Dis spiky boy path’s easy ta follow. Dey’z burning everything and one on der way to der big fight. And best of all, dey kicked up a real hornet’s nest. Tons of dem Fae gitz been converging on da path tryna follow da spiky boyz, and wez get to krump em before dey catch up to da spikys. Der’s nothing an Orruk needs more than a direction to go ta find someting ta krump.”

Dethmuttera flashed a smile of his own at being told he was right.

“We picked up a good crew, too. Don’t think I’ve seen the mob this big before.”

The Megaboss looked contemplative at his shaman’s comment. As the warband had prosecuted its fight with the Fae Orruks had trickled into his camp, left leaderless by the disaster at the river Att and the intense combat taking place in Rondhol before and since. When Urgoth began gathering his forces and leading them to the Dell that trickle became a flood. The regions Orruk seemed to sense the coming battles and seemed to gravitate towards Urgoth’s march, as well as to the Portal and other hot spots.

Urgoth had been a bit of an outsider in his own clan, and it felt weird to see the numbers of his warband swell as it had. It made him proud but also a little uncomfortable, as he had never set his ambitions particularly high.

“Yeah, deyz good boyz. Dey just needed some direction ta know where ta krump. Even dem Kruleboyz. Snagruk’s been hasslin’ da Fae troops and luring groups our way. Kunnin’, dat one.”

As the last container of Amber Blood was spilled back to Rondhol and the last few fallen knights were looted, the Orruks cheered their victory. Urgoth nodded to Dethmuttera.

“Not to cut dis talk short, but looks like it’s time to get going. Gotta catch up to dem spiky boyz so dey don’t beat us to da fight”

The shaman nods back.

“Course, boss.”

Urgoth stomps to the head of the group, only slowing down slightly to pull out a Grot by the ears that he saw trying to hide under a fallen Fae Knight mount.

“Shirk like that again and you can march up front with me in da next fight.”

The terrified Grot nodded before running off.

Urgoth turned to his Orruks, raising his boss choppa high.

“Alright, Ladz! We all ‘ad a good break but it’s time ta go! Wez gonna catch dem spiky boyz and join dis big fight dey’z going to. Remember to keep together and don’t go wandering far off da path ‘less you wants ta get lost in da Dell, or worse. Destroy anyfing you find with Amber Blood in it and only hassle spiky boyz if dey hassle yoo first. We’z got bigger fings to krump than dem. We’z gonna save Rondhol by taking care of dese Fae. Once we’z done that we can see who else needs a krumpin’. Now let’s go! Waaaaaghh!”

Urgoth doesn’t pause to acknowledge the responding shouts of “waaaaaghh!”, but just turns around and stalks down the burned path, trusting his crew to follow.

More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.

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More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.