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The Pyric Legion

Dyros the Excoriated

Parrah. Exiles, outcasts, and failures. The burden of this word presses on every construct that makes up the disfavored Pyric Legion, but weighs heaviest on the shoulders of Dyros the Excoriated. Given the dubious honor of command of this degenerating legion, Dyros has the distinction of being one of the few who retains their original soul. In life Dyros was the scion of a noble family who ruled the small kingdom of Ithicus in Chamon. The second child of the King, Dyros always strove to prove themselves as a warrior and capable ruler but lived under the shadow of their older sister who was next in line for the throne. 

But when the age of chaos began, Ithicus was set on all sides by the forces of the Dark Gods. In the face of annihilation, the king of Ithicus accepted the aid of a creature known only as The Ambassador. Sent from the far off kingdom of Alagadda, The Ambassador provided invaluable insights and aid to the king, allowing him to hold off against the slaves to darkness that beset him on all sides. But in so doing, the king damned himself and his people to a terrible fate. A curse fell upon the land, and the king slipped into the grip of a terrible madness.

Dyros became enraged at the decline of their father’s kingdom, and when they tried to confront him with violent intent, their sister stopped them and had them ritual flensed for the high crime of Regicide. When Dyros’ spirit awoke in Shyish, they found themselves in the bleak underworld of Sedh along with many of their countrymen. 

When their souls were harvested by Nagash for use in his ossiach bonereapers, each of the Ithican souls carried a flaw that was overlooked by the bone masons. They each carried a trace of the curse bestowed upon them by The Ambassador of Alagadda. This left each construct with a terrible fascination with the flesh of living things. The degenerative power of the curse has driven much of the Pyric Legion to madness, marking them as Parrah.

From their stronghold in Sedh, Dyros seeks a way to break the curse that grips their legion. To that end, they have struck an accord with the Nashwan Cabal. Aid in seizing the dragon, for any and all information regarding the kingdom of Alagadda.

Dyros the Excoriated

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