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Privateer Admiral Klaus Haft

Privateer Admiral Klaus Haft is the current leader of “Haft-Eye Services” a well known mercenary company based out of Tempest Eye that  is composed of a number of humans who operate on the ground, and Duardin who patrol the sky's above. Haft is ambitious and eager to be noticed by the council, which he hopes to sit on one day.


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Privateer Admiral Klaus Haft is the current leader of “Haft-Eye Services” (HES for short), a splinter of the more well known “Haft Company” based out of the famous skyport Barak-Zilfin. Unfortunately, the Haft family who held the majority stake in “Haft Company” was broken apart when the Company filed for bankruptcy following an unprecedented audit. “The Great Devaluation” as it would later become known, caused many of the Haft family members involved in the upper management to be arrested and tried before their business peers, who shockingly were merciless in their punishment of the competitors. Fortunately for Klaus, he was not indicted in the case, and was cleared as one of the remaining few honorable family members. Seeing no future in Barak-Zilfin, Klaus used most of his personal funds to pay off the remaining loan on his Ironclad class ship, named “Judgment”, and set his course for more profitable waves, located in the city state of Hammerhal. While in Hammerhal, Haft worked as a freelancer, taking odd jobs to make ends meet as he slowly worked to recreate business contacts and recruit capable crew members to man his ship. Haft finally got his big break when he met a high ranking duardin named “Umgril Gallonwell” who was working in Hammerhal as a priest for a Rune Lord. The two hit it off, and grew quickly into close friends. Gallonwell recommended Haft try his luck in Tempest Eye, a well known city state that was used to negotiating with the sky duardin. The two hoped they could recruit any displaced duardin who knew how the large aethercraft sailed, and take on larger contracts. Shortly after arriving in Tempest Eye, using Gallonwell’s contacts, Haft had a competent and sizable crew consisting of a number of veteran marines equipped with the powerful aethershot rifles. Haft once again invested his accrued life savings, and opened HES. The now well known mercenary company is composed of a number of humans who operate on the ground, while the Duardin patrol the sky’s above. 

With the company well established now, Privateer Admiral Haft set his sights now attempting to restore his family’s name and honor. This led the company into the wilds of Ghur, a truly wild and lawless realm where the black marks of the Haft family name would not hinder him. And so Haft and the rest of HES arrived at the city of Khardihr. Privateer Admiral Haft, as he would introduce himself to all, quickly discovered that Khardihr was a city of great opportunity, where someone with ambition and resolve could quickly make themselves known and grab power. In short order Haft set his sights on taking a Council seat for himself, eager to live a life boasting fame, wealth, and power.

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