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Prosecutor Arys Firewing

A fresh-forged, hotblooded and idealistic Stormcast of the Celestial Vindicators serving under Prosecutor-Prime Sorrus Skyhammer, Arys has a habit of speaking her mind–whether or not it’s called for or desired. This has on occasion earned her the annoyance of her superiors. However, her enthusiasm for the exhilaration of aerial maneuvers has allowed her to become an excellent if reckless forward scout, possibly the fastest-flying warrior of the Stonewalkers Chamber, save perhaps for the Knight-Azyros called Jaigyr War-Prince.

In their mortal lives, Arys and her more reserved twin brother, T’seng, were born to an isolated frontier tribe in Aqshy’s wastelands.  The tribe had endured for generations, with their community built up around a small, well-hidden natural Realmgate to Ghyran. Taking advantage of the fertile land and clean water on the opposite side of the gate, the tribe managed to scrape out a passable (if meager) existence by ferrying supplies from the Realm of Life to their home in the Realm of Fire, while also being spared from the worst of the ravening forces of the Plague Lord as they ravaged Ghyran for the greater part of an age.

However, Aqshy remained as inhospitable as ever, and eventually the tribe–and the highly desirable Realmgate–was discovered by marauding Bloodbound forces, who slaughtered them with contemptous ease, including Arys, and, shortly afterward, T’seng.

Arys carried her righteous anger and loathing of the forces of the Blood God into her next life, plucked from death’s door to be Reforged as a Stormcast Eternal alongside her brother.  After completing their training, she and T’seng were assigned to Sorrus Skyhammer’s Prosecutor retinue as part of the Stonewalkers Chamber of the Celestial Vindicators, serving under the Lord-Castellant Arven Stonewalker.

Her first deployment was to Lake Bykaal in Shyish, and she proved an able and eager warrior and scout under Sorrus’s guidance and with T’seng’s support.   Her ambitions, so much as a front-line Stormcast warrior has such, include working towards an eventual promotion to Knight-Azyros, where she can put her firebrand personality to good use as a herald and champion of Sigmar.

Her war-name, Firewing, comes from a quirk of her Reforging that causes the sigmarite wings of her armor to ignite with azure fire in battle–or, occasionally, when her volatile emotions get the better of her.

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Keep her in one piece, same for her brother!

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