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Purple serpent


The Purple serpent are a nomadic tribe that worship slannesh and who roam across the dagger tooth coast in realm of Ghur They know slannesh as Loesh the Serpent It is their belief that pretending one can survive the wrath of the Serpent by donning armour or building cities and castles is foolish blasphemy They are predators and seek to join their queen in hunt to the twin cities of Nasson and Neolotl to slay the greatest god  beasts and prove their worthiness to the serpent .

 Members of the tribe carry to totems and pelts of other predators they have slain and eaten, oaths and charms binding their spirits to them to grant the wearer the dead’s ferocity and speed.Whilst weak members of the tribe are nothing but nameless meat, the strongest will live long enough to earn a title by slaying a great beast or proving themselves to have uncanny foresight.

There are some within the tribe that  worship brawen  and not Loesh as they have saw her ascension to a demon princesses on top of the worm the war band grow after that take to in remains of her former rival chaos lord man.

If  Brawen needs someone assassinate she calls on the Indigo krait a warrior cult who worship Brawen as a god because they have witnessed her ascent to deamonhood The Shamans of the Cult considered themselves blessed by Brawen they are able to brew deadly poisons, from their snake companies venom enhancing their  fighting prowess give them edge in combat if that fails their blades are coated with toxins enabling them to strike down their enemies with ease. 

They an established cult in new city of faun’s leap ready to strike at word from their queen  ready to topped the uneasy order of their new home and build a seat of power in realm of beasts free from Civilization.


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