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Raedheil Shorehaunter’s True Aelf Phantasms

Sep 14, 2021

Garlan Gunter

The aelven mariner-swordmaster known as Raedheil was born near Excelsis, two or three centuries hence, of mixed Wanderer and Scourge heritage. Ever torn between and called upon by different clans, he ended up offering his ever unofficial services to the Shadowblades in order to make a fresh start. Raedtheil attracted a devoted following, which he named the True Aelf Phantasms to emphasise their unity across the aelven race as well as their ever stealthy practice. But recent turmoils, particularly the riots against aelves that accompanied the Siege of Excelsis, cost Raedheil both his ship and his home city, leaving him only with the motley survivors of his band, a slightly mocking by-name and a reputation to reclaim. Accordingly, he has responded to Belliana Fauncrest’s appeal hoping to remould his band’s fortunes, by wormback if necessary!

Raedheil and over half of his followers fell in the closing affrays of the campaign that led to the foundation of Faun’s Leap. Yet there are rumours that the aelven captain’s shade has since been seen abroad, piloting an immaterial vessel, and that the survivors of his company yet stand ready to answer his call…

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