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Razgor Beastbreaka

Razgor Beastbreaka is the leader of Da Realmhuntaz, a kruleboyz warclan and a hunter extraordinaire. He has dedicated his life to hunting the largest beasts possible and uses his high intelligence, strategic mind and the numbers of his warclan to complete this goal. He's above average height for an orruk and is quite strong thanks to his prostethic arm. He wields a chain with a hook at the end as his main weapon and always wears a bronze mask of Kharadron design. He's mounted atop a Sludgeraker beast, known as Grotgobbla and often accompanied by a mirebrute troggoth called Big 'un. Razgor isn't interested in murder, raiding or the usual cruelty other kruleboyz often display and is more focussed on the hunt. He has a very distinct accent, even for an orruk. He's very well composed compared to others of his kin and even though he's stern and sometimes even sombre, he can open up to those considers friends.

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The oldest memories Razgor has, is being a killaboss, serving under a different killaboss in a swamp dwelling warclan known as the Bogswimmerz. Razgor hated the existence and would spend most of his time hunting down wild beasts that called the swamps their homes. One day, his warclan got into a fight with a Fyreslayer lodge and Razgor seized the opportunity. He stabbed the old leader through the foot, pinning him to the ground and making him easy prey for a Magmadroth and the Runeson mounted on top. With the old boss being eaten alive as a distraction, Razgor dropped down from an overhanging tree, killed the runeson and the Magmadroth. With this, he managed to route the Fyreslayers. Using the Magmadroth as leverage, he managed to secure his position as leader and turned the Bogswimmerz into the Sandwalkaz, leading the warclan into the deserts of Ghur and making it their purpose to slay whatever beasts that was unfortunate enough to cross their path. After arriving in the Prime Dominion through sheer coincidence, Razgor served under Atressa of the Idrelec. After those events, he decided to leave behind their lives as desert nomads, instead deciding the warclan would hunt beasts from every realm now. Since then, the warclan is known as the Realmhuntaz and no longer stays within Ghur, although they still prefer the realm since prey is easy to find and the heat of the desert is what they’re best adapted too.

The leader of Da Realmhuntaz, Razgor Beastbreaka also goes by other titles, such as Da Redhanded, Grand Huntaboss, dworfeata, aelfbeata and many other titles. Razgor himself however, cares little for these titles, which are often given to him by the other orruks in the clan. Razgor himself only bothers with them when introducing himself to important clients or leaders, but considers them to be worth little. He would rather show off his impressive collection of trophies, collected over centuries of hunting. Razgor considers himself a hunter extraordinaire and considers it his purpose in life. 

Razgor isn’t the strongest, biggest or toughest orruk in the clan, but he is the smartest and by a big margin. Razgor outsmarts any orruk in his clan and can match a lot of the more intelligent races. He has a well developed tactical mind, can do complex problem solving and is even capable of feeling emotions, something he has stated as being a nuisance and sometimes struggles with. Maybe for the better for the realms, Razgor puts this mind to use purely for hunting, barely ever taking part in the raids and pillaging his tribe conducts at times. He even disapproves of needless cruelty. How Razgor came to be this intelligent is up for debate. Some say he’s blessed by Mork, some say it was because of his stay in Hysh, whilst others say that only improved what was already there. Razgor used to ride an albino Great Gnashtoof, named Kruelfang, but the beast was killed by a lumineth known as Zod-El, something Razgor is still bitter about and seeks to even the score at some point. These days, Razgor rides a Sludgeraker known as Grotgobbla. The mount isn’t as trustworthy as his previous animal, but Razgor appreciates its raw strength, natural venom and the extra space to display his trophies. Whilst not exactly loyal to the orruk, Grotgobbla is cowardly, but wouldn’t attempt to harm Razgor.

Razgor himself is scarred from his long existence and time spent as monster hunter and blade for hire. Besides the countless scars, each with their own story, Razgor lost his left arm whilst duelling a vampire lord. The lost limb has been replaced with the arm of a sylvaneth, which was a gift from a sylvaneth arch revenant named Adaleire Spiteborn, after Da Realmhuntaz saved these spiteborn from eradication by other sylvaneth. The arm is magically attached and seemingly works as if it had always been his left arm. Razgor himself even considers it an upgrade over the old one, as it is considerably stronger than his real arm and the sharp claws make solid weapons. 

Other than the prosthetic arm, Razgor also always wears a metal mask of Kharadron design. How he got it is debated, but apparently it was a gift from a friend. During a hunt, Razgor got corrosive bile in his mouth, which grievously burned his lungs and throat. On the brink of death, he was left behind by his warclan and through sheer luck saved by a Kharadron merchant. The two of them became friends and Razgor was gifted the mask to ease the pain when breathing. What happened between the two of them is unclear but Razgor later rejoined the Realmhuntaz and refuses to speak of the topic to this day, becoming highly agitated when it’s brought up.

Duel at the End of Ash and Sigils

He tasted blood, and he spit it out. Beside him, Xshaeta’s head was hanging limp. Isthubar turned his neck towards the Blightking, hissing at him.With extreme effort, he staggered to his feet. An ugly, blubbering belly laugh greeted him as he once more faced the...