The Feculent Alchemists Society arrived at The Slidecrown Isle looking for ingredients that we have. The way to finish this perfect cure. The first place we decided to look was the forest after hours of searching. We were attacked by a group of blood mad savages screaming BLOOD FOR BLOOD GOD so much that we thought that they might have caught rabies, so we were forced to put them down like a mad dog and then study them for a potential infection that we might prepare for with a vaccine,but we could not anything wrong with them but decided that it was a subject of further research so we set about clearing out a potion of the forest and building a field lab and camp so that could launch investigate deeper into the forest.
After Days of searching for the ingredients we still yet to find anything worth using but on a other note local flora and fauna appears to extremely hostile we have lost several of members after being found mutilated and and missing limbs we have will have hiring some mercenary to escort us as we conduct our business with out any interruptions me and senior members are sick of this delays and wish we could speed up the process but that would be led to rushed research and further deaths that could be prevented by proper work taking care with the dangerous experiments and then ingredients.
We came extremely close today, but were ambushed by a group of hostile natives and forced to run from them after a couple of our members were killed by their arrows and druid magic summoned forth an army of treemen which slaughtered a couple of our mercenary guards. It was highly unlikely that we could take what we needed without a large armed force, but we don’t have the funds for that. We will have to try something else, but there is hope of finally getting some way through our search.