More an assortment of forges, workshops and factories with housing for the workers and walls, watchtowers and barracks so said workers are kept inside, Reth’hymnon is the industrial heart of the Crusader state, and indeed, is used to support other Crusades of the Templars of Our Burning Saviour in Ghur and even beyond.
Before being conquered during the events of the Hellscorn war, the city was erected by a coalition of Tuskmen chieftains to emulate Desraki industry in order to surpass their peers, the advanced forges of Reth’hymnon are indeed based on Desraki technology, now infused with the Arcane Sorceries of the Templars. Chaos Duardin allied to the Templars oversee the proceedings alongside the Tzaangor priesthood, and the city’s secrets are jealously guarded by a strong Templar presence.
Day after day, a great number of cannons and other advanced weaponry leave Reth’hymnon’s forges to fuel the Templars’ crusades.