A lurking predator in the western Heartlands of Ghur Rondhol is an ancient place of wrathful rivers and primal magics. It speaks of the ambitions of the Dawnbringer Crusades that mortals would dare try to settle here – and the greenskin clans that roam the continent are more than willing to give them a proper Rondholian welcome
There is a saying amongst Thondains – ‘they’ve supped from Rondhol’s waters.’ It is a descriptor applied to the oldest, surliest warriors of their clans, whose violence and unpredictability remains undimmed into old age. It is an apt metaphor. The Continent of Rondhol is an ancient place, inundated with magic and fury. As Donse rose and fell, Rondhol watched from afar, patient and hungry.
When Sigmar first brought civilisation to Ghur, Rondhol received him with simmering contempt, drowning thousands of settlers in raging flash-floods. Other continents have come and gone, but Rondhol endures, grinding down landmasses to subsume into itself. It is a survivor by nature, and given how it circles the extremities of the neighbouring continents of Thondia and Gallet, its hunger is not yet sated.