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Rulerz of da Waste

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The Rulerz of da Waste are a mixed band of orruks and grots, who banded together under the leadership of “da wize’ Togtol”, heir to the mysterious Bakatoi, emperor of the Sky Wolves in Hysh.

The grots of the Sky Wolves ruled over an area in Hysh, where they lived in a nomadic lifestyle, living in self-preservation away from the enemy Lumineth nations and other threats around them. Their klan practice the unique culture among greenskins to breed their own heirs, creating a royal bloodline with the help of the unique waaagh magic of the braingitz. The braingitz are an influential caste of the tribe, who have mastered the way to obtain, cultivate and preserve the strains of their klan leaders to create potential heirs to the klans throne for millenias to come.

A royal bloodline is crucial to secure the klans leadership, which the klan value above their most brutal or cunning fighters in the tribe. The great grot Bakatoi, the first in this bloodline, had started this practice when he came in contact with a pack of giant wolves in his great exile, which he befriended and who helped him to overthrow his enemies and create a base for his empire. He named them the Sky wolves and the klan gained their name from these giant creatures.

While the klan is still strong in Hysh, conflicts between the many heirs of the empire have taken its toll on the royal bloodline. The leader of this band, Togtol, was one of the wise leaders, who decided to disband before falling into the blades of his many enemies and find fortune and fame somewhere else.

While travelling through the realm of Hysh, his fellow shaman told him that he had heard about a passway to Ghur. He foretold him, that he will find a great wolf, a worthy beast that will give him finally the right to reunite bring the empire back to its former strength again.

Togtol is an inspiring and fair leader, who includes the weakest of greenskin society in his ranks. Lesser orruks, either too coward for the Bonesplitterz, too weak for the Ironjawz or too stupid for the Kruleboyz, have joined his ranks, after hearing about his military successes in the region. His leadership may be sometimes in question, being “nuthin’ more than a bigger grot”, but he understands how to keep his competitors in line by promises of spoils of war and the rewarding of his best fighters. He can be seen as behaving wildly different than many other orruk or grot leaders in the realm. While he enjoys destruction as much as his fighter do, he values also the concept of recreation – a part that more often than never is forgotten in greenskin society. It is often said, that the realm of Hysh has left a mark in this grot, making him more aware to certain aspects of life, like the value of craftmanship or monuments from other species. The klan of the Sky Wolves believes in many different aspects of Gorkamorka, believing the sky wolves are connected to him too.

Only a few of his companions from back in Hysh have survived on this rugged trail to Ghur. Therefor Togtol relies on the local bands of greenskins in the area. Fortunately, many orruk and grot tribes are desperate to find a strong leader, being completely disregarded by the other great klans as being not in favour of Gork or Mork. Togtols great leadership skills have given them the confidence and training they needed, to work under the strict command of their leader. However, Togtol hopes to establish and form these outcast into a strong force to bring back in his glorious return to Hysh.

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Submitted by:

Nicolas Di Fausto


Do not destroy without permission

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