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Saga and Runar Bugmansbur

Saga and Runar

Illustration of Saga and Runar commissioned from SethDraws!

The Bugmansbur Twins, Saga and Runar, are alechaeologists dedicated to the excavation and restoration of the ancient brews of the Khazalid Empire. Their guild company, The Sons of Bugman Alechaeology Expedition Company, has so far conducted digs in three Realms, with the twins vigilant of opportunities to feasibly explore others. They hail from Barak-Hirn, where their father – Barliman Bugmansbur – runs the beer hall that is their company headquarters.

Barliman Bugmansbur, a deeply devoted brew connoisseur even among duardin, raised his children on the legends of the ales lost in the Age of Myth at the hands of the forces of Chaos. Fed upon these stories, both grew up with a vow in their heart to see these treasures returned to the duardin peoples.

Saga Bugmansbur

The young admiral at the helm of the Sons of a Bugman AEC, Saga always displayed an incisiveness and aptitude for the physical rigours of life in the open skies, traits noticed early by the recruiters of the Arkanaut Academies and by the captain of the Endurance, her first ship assignment after graduation.

The hard decade she spent aboard the Endurance proved her true trial as skyfarer as Captain Vernyk Irisson, while an established and renowned alechaologist, began experiencing waning fortune and a concomitant drop in willing investors. These circumstances drove the desperate captain to seek a valuable artefact deep in the Chaos-fallen ruins of Karak-Rhod in the Realm of Ghur as a way of rebuilding shareholder trust. Captain Irisson’s obsession with his continued status as a preeminent alechaologist, however, had already compromised him to the corrupting influences of Chaos, and Saga was very nearly one of the many arkanaut victims the fallen duardin sacrificed to the perilous dig site, in truth a false lure, altar, and deathtrap of the Father of Darkness. When the senior staff die first under mysterious circumstances, Saga decisively led the few remaining arkanauts into mutinous action, escaping and evading Captain Irisson and Hashut’s followers by breaching a closed-off section of the true Karak-Rhod. The survivors under her held out for months before a Ghurish war party, led by Beliana Fauncrest, and Sigmar’s chosen arrived to clear out the chaos worshippers.

Though Captain Irisson escaped with the Endurance, Saga returned home to Barak-Hirn with a small fortune of Ghur-Khazalid artefacts and the notarised testimonials of those she kept alive with her leadership, including the important account of venerable Endrinmaster Ander Andersson VII. Ander and many of the survivors follow her when the Admiralty bequeathed her command of her own skyvessel, and later when she successfully financed her own ship and company charter, creating the Sons of Bugman AEC. Joined by her twin brother, Runar, she swiftly rose in profile and profit, only taking a couple of decades to make Admiral.

Runar Bugmansbur

Brewmaster. WIP

Saga and Runar

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