Shivith Silverdaze
A Black Ark Corsair sidelining as a member of the Pestilence Purgers, Shivith Silverdaze is staking her claim on the untold secrets of Uhl-Ghysh in order to secure a stable and peaceful future for herself and her loved ones.

Gnawwater Nexus
Is a trading hub controlled by Clan Iron Klaw. Established after destroying a Khorne outpost with a surprise attack with Doom wheels and warp lightning cannons, Clan Iron Klaw built a joint operation with dragon ogre allies and Burning Templar Advisors. Now its a den...
Razortooth Hunters of Azyr
The Razortooth Hunters are a small warband hand selected by a Slaanian War Council of Azyr to hunt down agents of chaos that plague the Mortal Realms.
The Battle of Infurnata – A Flame snuffed out
In the Ashfall Delta, disparate forces have assembled under the banner of the Redhands in a desperate defence to delay the Waagh of Colossaboss Mogrek Longblade's arrival in the Aelven Prime Dominion, so defenses can be prepared. On one of the Delta's islands,...