In recent times, Skarra Spinebreaker has proven herself to be most loyal to Captain Khrovar Blackmaw, earning her the position of First Mate onboard the Bloodsunderer. She all but idolizes the captain and always goes above and beyond to execute upon his orders. More than once, she’s been tasked with executing dissidents—and never hesitates.
Skarra Spinebreaker tells the story of herself as the only daughter in a family of older brothers, born and raised in The Svlind. While her brothers went onto illustrious careers inheriting the family trade outpost and becoming local heroes as part of their island’s militia, Skarra never found the same kind of acclaim, nor a career in which she felt she belonged in. That was until the Bloodsunderer made landfall and ransacked the family trade outpost. Alongside her eldest brother, Skarra fought to defend their outpost. Her brother fell, but Skarra would not. She broke the back of her brother’s killer and slew plenty of other assailants before facing Captain Blackmaw himself. The captain saw potential in the girl, the same kind of yearning for greatness he’d had in the moments Chaos had claimed him. He offered Skarra a place aboard his ship, and she readily accepted. In some deep dark place in her mind, she had always yearned to let loose all her rage on all those around her and earn her place for it. Since then, she’s walked The Path to Glory and proven Captain Blackmaw’s faith in her warranted at least a dozen times over.
To those under Blackmaw and her own command, she channels the rage of the blood God in an irresistible and infectious way, rallying them and spurring them to new heights of violence. Her knack for spotting ambushes and sniffing out the best prey has seen Blackmaw’s faith in her swell over the years, and some in the fleet owe as much allegiance to her as they do to Blackmaw. Thankfully for them, Skarra and the captain never disagree.