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Skullgrinder Irox Bloodforged, Chosen Weaponsmith of Khorne

Marked by the Bloodforged iconography of Khorne, Irox is one of the Blood God’s chosen weaponsmith. Using the Iron Bloods, they scour the realms for resources to forge weapons of terrible power that rivaled the Eight Lamentations. With them, the Blood God’s forces would drown the realms in blood once more. 


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Do not destroy without permission

No one knows how Irox came into khorne’s service. Some claim he was part of the first Azyrites who re-eenterrd the realms when the God King’s tempest ushered in the Age of Sigmar. Others claim he apprenticed for a revered duardin smith during the Age of Myth who willingly succumbed to the Blood God’s rage when he killed his master.

Whatever the truth, Irox ended up in Khorne’s service as one of his chosen weaponsmiths. He spent years forging terrible weapons of power for and fighting alongside the Bloodbound forces as the Stormcast Eternals and Cities of Sigmar pushed back against the Chaos Gods’ hold of the mortal realms. 

Irox has crafted powerful weapons like  Skaldak’s Bleeding Flail, the Indomitable Battle Axe, and Vekhaedan’s Gorefist.

Yet all pale to the Blood God’s Weaponsmiths who crafted the Eight Lamentations. As such, Irox strives to craft a weapon on par with those mighty arms that will help Khorne’s forces drown the realms in blood and skulls once more. 

To do so, he has chosen and browbeaten the Iron Bloods warband to aid him in his quest. Across Chamon, they have terrorized the Onyx Mountains and unearth bountiful and rare resources from the Realm of Metal to aid their cause.

Irox’s fury and temper flares based on the heat and flames spouting from his Brazen Anvil. He can be calm when the anvil is cold, tempered when active, and lost to madness when the anvil is at its hottest.

For a Khornate warrior, he is quite investigative, capable of deep thought for a bloodied berserker. His knowledge of smithery and ores would earn him a duardin’s grudging respect. 

None though can question his devotion to Khorne. Marked as one of his Bloodforged, he speaks for the Blood God on all matters. One day he hopes to forge within the Brass Citadel, but must earn that honor or die trying.

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.