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Slakka Crookmoon

Self-proclaimed 'Baron' of the Spikepeak Mountains. A sneaky grot boss who lures trolls and squigs to the enemy with promises of mushrooms and skrap. He keeps an entourage of magic wielders in his force but never lets them forget their place, else his skrap would be run by shroomed up lunatics again.


Submitted by:

Francis Haze


Do not destroy without permission

Hailing from Ghyran, this particularly unpleasant grot has been bashed about and chased from tunnel to lurklair by the Sylvaneth guardians of the realm since he first picked up a stabba. Unfortunately for him, the hold he started his journey in was remarkable in two ways. One way was that they bordered on a large Kurnoth glade. This meant on the regular the forces of the skrap would take beatings and cleansing runs by the local guardians of nature. The other way in which the hold he grew up in was remarkable was the massive naturally occuring amount of Madcap mushrooms, which were regularly consumed by the local grots driving them into such an insane frenzy that they never got smart enough or self aware enough to move on. In an effort not to die, Slakka chained a particularly large squig to his waist to keep him safe from both the venerable treefolk and derranged grot alike.

After the Necroquake, a somewhat substantial bunch of these grots were murdered by risen undead lurking deep in the bowls of the earth. Slakka was delighted, because the shaman who worshipped the Madcaps of the caverns passed during this event, being sliced to pieces by a coven of harridans raised from within the rocks of their cave. Crookmoon then sired himself Baron, and rounded up the last of the shamans by force.

They finally moved from what was basically killing fields within the hills to a new somewhat abandoned Fyreslayer hold within the cliffs of Spikepeak. He had his most trusted Sneaky Snufflers bring as many of the shrooms from the cavern with him and using them he bribed his newly entrusted Gobbapolloza and shaman entourage with them. In return for the substances they were addicted to for so long, they fired blasts of green magic and summoned effigys of grot energy to clear out the few weakened ancestors in the hold and took it for their own.

They now hold up at the edge of the Spikepeak Mountains; able to run raids on the Sylvaneth that once butchered their ilk, or take advangtage of the realmgate to the south. With an underground fortress and an everygrowing Skrap, self proclaimed ‘Baron’ Slakka Crookmoon has got big plans for his boyz.

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.