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Slogginz the thunder-sloth

There is a mythical mega-fauna here that has become something of a mobile landmark. The Sloggins is a 10m tall sloth-like creature with sleepy looking eyes, an almost smiling mouth, and great finger-claws curling wristward. Sometimes trudging along the forest, other times remaining stationary for months or whole seasons, this trundling would-be monster has attracted all manner of festering followers- from deadwalkers to gloomspite, nurglites to skaven, the prolific growths of this walking mire offer all manner of strange and volatile uses.

Submitted by:

Tectonic Dan & Nuno Martins @WH_narratives


Do not destroy without permission. If you wish to capture or kill Slogginz, please contact Tectonic Dan on the Great Weave discord server.

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