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Snow, Aetherpowder Blast, and Blood

Sep 4, 2020

The sound of aetherblast sounded over the Argetorian landscape as the Free* Company of Barak-Nar sought to stake out their claim. Led by Admiral Aethermusk the Free Company approached what appeared to be the ruins of a former settlement. On the horizon was a Beastclaw raiding party. The Free Company quickly took up position in one of the ruins. The Beastclaw Raiders struck with a precision that awed even Aethermusk, the Arkanauts found themselves picked off by buzzards and harpoons. The companyโ€™s gunhauler, The Venture Capitalist, and a unit of Endrinriggers took to the skies, determined to take down the Beastclaw artillery. Though successful, the Endrinriggers did not survive the mission. Aethermusk quickly found himself badly wounded and alone. Unfortunately, his wounds and short dwarven legs made evading the raidersโ€™ buzzards impossible. The Venture Capitalist embarked on a daring plan to take out the Slaughtermaster. The gunhauler only managed to graze the Slaughtermaster with grapeshot. In a desperate gambit, the ship rammed into the Slaughtermaster and dropped her payload from the bomb racks. Ultimately the crew managed to bring down the Ogor with boarding weapons. In the end, only two combatants remained on the field. At that point, though The Venture Capitalist decided that discretion was the better part of valour and withdrew rather than face a Thundertusk.

The Deamon Skuโ€™ndrok had had a mighty battle indeed. Much blood had been spilt, and whether or not that was their or their enemies, it mattered not. The Idoneth had certainly put up a good fight indeed. They had fought on a narrow pass, and the Aelves had used this to their advantage, making the Deamons pay for every slaughtered warrior. The battle had started as the two sides clashed in the middle of the field, the Demons tearing through the Aelves, brutally halving their numbers. However, the remaining Aelves stood their ground and made the Demons pay a blood price for the souls they took. The Khorne riders on the flanks were able to overcome the Aelven resistance and take the far objectives. However, the Herald of Khorne and the Bloodthirster fell to the High Tide of the Deepkin. The few remaining Deepkin had attempted to capitalize on this win, spreading out and taking all the remaining objectives. However, the last remaining Demon rode down the Tide Caster leading the Deepkin, and won the day for the foul Demons.

The pristine Knights of Raโ€™s had found their stride. After vanquishing the mighty Raiders that had preyed on their lands, they sought after those that prayed on the mind instead. The ever-scrupulous Duardin of the Kharadron had done little to ease the suffering of the people, and a lot to fil their own coffers. And so Raโ€™s had decided, after hearing of them โ€œinnocently trading with localsโ€ that enough was enough. They had leapt apon their chance to rid their lands of these foul creatures, and so they had struck the Kharadron with all of their might. It was pure coincidence that it had been in the middle of the night.

*Not actually free.

(A big thank you to John for the lovely battle report!)

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