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Sorrah Nikos

Sorrah Nikos is the mastermind behind the chaos and conquest of Civilia's Ruin. Once disguised as a kind and cordial doctor, trapped alongside Civilia's citizenry in an unexpected cataclysm, she has since emerged as a Magister of Tzeentch, claiming the town as a personal testing ground for numerous foul experiments.


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Do not destroy without permission

As the most recent conflicts within Rondhol rose, Sorrah Nikos posed as the leader of a small band of survivors occupying Civilia’s Ruin. She contacted the city of Khardhir as it entered the region. In her missives she claimed that a crashed section of the Seraphon ship, the Xarlanth, had broken through the magics that had kept them prisoner within the shrouded settlement. With orruk scrap-ships, the fleets of House Vermillio, and Khrovar Blackmaw’s pirates fighting alongside Civilia’s shores, Nikos begged for help from Khardhir other Dawnbringer Crusades and small townships to protect her and her people.

Many responded to Nikos’s call for aid, playing perfectly into her hands. As the battles in the Bitingsea resolved, Nikos then turned her attention to further “fortifying” Civilia through use of the fallen pieces of the Xarlanth scattered within Furyoth Dell. She urged those who knew her secret of being aligned with the Dark Gods to venture into the Dell, while convincing forces of Khardhir to stay behind and defend the city. These forces were left unprepared for Nikos’s true plan.

In a single, bloody night, Nikos revealed her dark designs, using a captured piece of the Seraphon ship to create a barrier around Civilia and trap its citizens within. Those who came to their rescue were met with the mutated abominations Nikos had been creating within the secretive depths of her crooked tower, and other dangerous Chaos-worshipping allies besides. Many who’d come to Civilia’s aid from Khardhir were slain, but more still were captured, locked away within Nikos’s tower to await whatever cruel corruption she would soon visit upon them. Above the city, the Silver Tower of Nikos’s master, a Gaunt Summoner watched, later calling Nikos before him to discuss the next stages of their fiendish plan.

Sorrah Nikos now postures herself as the tyrant ruler of Civilia’s Ruin. Shielded beneath the fragment of the Xarlanth, she continues her experiments, delving further into how she might gain control of the very soul itself and bend all in the Realms to her will. In an effort to go undisturbed in her ghastly research, Nikos has struck a bargain with Khrovar Blackmaw, promising him a share of whatever her minions retrieve from Furyoth Dell in exchange for defense of her burgeoning dominion.

Duel at the End of Ash and Sigils

He tasted blood, and he spit it out. Beside him, Xshaeta’s head was hanging limp. Isthubar turned his neck towards the Blightking, hissing at him.With extreme effort, he staggered to his feet. An ugly, blubbering belly laugh greeted him as he once more faced the...