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Soulbound Sheet

Over time I’ve developed the following Soulbound Character Sheet.


Originally made by Vincent Venturella, v2 by /Ascleph (Reddit), and then beautified, some fixes, and UI by myself. Since then, there have been a number of iterations and additions (like Champions of Order, Death, and Destruction), changes to companions, scroller-friendly changes, alterations to runes, spells, and miracles, expansions like Stars and Scales or Era of the Beast – the list goes on.

v11 is the most up-to-date version.

Make a copy of the document by clicking “File” then “Make a copy”

If you have any questions, or you need help, feel free to hop into our Discord, or use the last form in the Submissions page. I’m happy to help you or make alterations for you.

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Raknok Poisontoof, Tolltaker

Raknok Poisontoof, Tolltaker

Faction: Malevolent Sellswords (Raknoks Rancarous Gitz)
Species: Hobgrot
Rank: Tolltaker (Paymaster)
Leader of the Rancarous Gitz

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