With some effort, Xshaeta wedged their battleaxe free from the skull of the Saurus warrior lying at the two-headed Tzaangor’s feet.
It has been days of the Seraphon harassing them, attacking from different directions, tying the Templars down in melee, preventing them over and over from purifying the putrid growth within the Metallic Caverns. A frustrating, grueling time if much bloodshed, but little progress.
Not any longer.
As Isthubar fervently chanted religious texts, Xshatea observed the crusaders of their retinue, Seraphon slain before them, finally getting on with burning out the corruption undisturbed.
As the Holy Fires raged, Xshaeta stared deeply into them, until their eyes hurt and then longer.
They felt the presence of Our Saviour in them, cutting deep into his mind, setting every train of thought aflame, cleansing their very mind with Flames of purpose. It hurt with a white-hot pain, making spots dance before their eyes.
The visions became clearer each time, but also more painful. Both pairs of eyes inadvertently rose to the Vexshik Spire. The Templar expedition yet had a long way to go, many trials to master. These tunnels were teeming with warbands, most of them adversaries. As Xshaeta’s vision returned, they looked around. Many of the nine had been injured, some even badly. They knew there wouldn’t be any reinforcements. Yet, they had to push through.
Just as they were to give the command to leave, something in the scorched cavern walks caught their eye, and as they scraped and cut at the spot, they discovered a small ring etched with archaic runes, pulsating with arcane power. Recognising a sign of approval, Xshaeta took it with them.
Chanting religious verses, the Templars marched on, leaving the broken corpses of their enemies and ashes behind.