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Stikkyboss Squibly

In the Age of Myth Boingob, Father of All Squigs, trekked across the realms in a glorious rampage the likes of which could only be matched by Gorkamorka himself. When the great squig landed in Rondhol. The land was feisty that day and shook all its mass to set loose the collective pollen of uncountable toxic flowers and poisonous molds. Most beings would have died to the wave of venomous dust, but Boingob was too mighty for that. Instead he sucked up 

In one gargantuan sniff, The father of Squigs sucked all the pollen into his cavernous nose. A moment later, He sneezed a massive golden mass back upon Rondhol and hopped away once more. That shining golden mass was a new shimmering viscous lake upon the continent, one that attracted every squig within thousands of miles. They supped upon the golden bounty, their grot handlers watching in awe as their bouncy beasts changed before their eyes.

Their behinds elongated, and the sprouted thousands of bristly hairs upon their bodies. Stingers erupted from their behinds and tiny insectoid wings sprouted from their backs. The grots knew this sticky substance was the cause of it, and knew they had to call their new beasts something more appropriate, as thus after the bug they resembled, they were named squmbles. 

For years during the Age of Myth, the grots and the squmbles adapted to their new behaviors and using the chewed up bones of beast and mortal alike they built what would today be called Mount Kittywampus. The grots selfishly guarded the golden lake at the bottom the Hive Peak, no one aside from themselves and the squmbles that supplied it with their own resneezitated pollen collections of Rondhol. Soon calling themselves the Golden Hoardaz, they became regimented in their behavior and saw protecting Da Golden Goop as a sacred duty given to them by Boingob himself even if indirectly.

They mastered their new partly airborne mounts orders within the skrap arising from the different techniques used to raise and ride the mighty squmble. As the Age of Myth came to a close, Stikkyboss Squibly rose to power not through spite and backstabbing but by his martial prowess and skill at squmblin, the act of riding a squmble. He was given the privilege of Da Dunk, which gave the Stikkyboss control over the squmbles as if he was their king. 

A wise and well traveled grot, Squibly swiftly set the skrap to locking down and gathering all the squmble into the hive, he had traveled far enough to see the arrival of the forces of chaos and their overwhelming power they brought. He declared it best that the skrap and the squmbles be hidden away to wait out the march of Chaos. Using the power of Da Golden Goop, he placed every member into a honeyed stasis and just lastly into the golden pool as soon as the last tunnel out of the hive was sealed.

Ages past as Mount Kittywampus resided in Rondhol. Avoided by wildlife and creeping vegetation of the carnivorous continent, the pale grey peak stuck out like a fang in the middle of the jungle. No beast traveled close to it, its point scraping against the sky and cleaving arrogant clouds upon its peak. The few bold denizens of the river cities that wandered close speak of a constant droning somewhere under its dry stone.

The emergence of the Furyoth Dell was catastrophic to Mount Kittywampus. The eruption of the dell to the surface toppled the grey mountain, tearing it cleanly from its base. Now a mountain laying on its side like a felled tree leaning against its stump. As the mysteries of the Dell attracted every brave and bold being to them, the mystery of Mount Kittywampus was laid bare.

First to awaken, Stikkyboss Squibly immediately releases his personal squmble Jujubee who was interred beside him. The pair see their home exposed and the world changed, but know their duty is eternal and Da Golden Goop must be protected. As they release more and more of their skrap, they realised with despair that something occurred in their golden torpor. More than half their number, grot and squmble, had perished in their wait. 

After awakening the Orda of Da Big Stikka, Stikkyboss Squibly sets the drones and grots to reinforcing and barricading the now exposed Golden Goop. He takes his knights and together they squmblin into Rondhol in search of allies, the wise leader knowing that connecting with whoever he can to catch up on the state of the Mortal Realms is the best course of action.

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