The thundering charge of swift-footed gryph-charges signaled the start of a number of deadly skirmishes throughout Drakengrad, as members of The Cult of The Fell Dragon hurriedly attempted to cross the region to reach their hallowed Mausoleum of the Gods. Set upon by The Children of The End Times, their allies in the defense of Drakheim, and other unaffiliated forces, the cultists’ task was far easier said than done.
A group of cultists, straying too far towards the Free City, were met by a small contingent of The Ashen Drakes Freeguild Company, who downed the cultists and reclaimed their portion of the amberstone with minimal casualties. The same could not be said of the forces of Vengorian Lord Sevnatcha and The Ressurected, who were mistakenly led by Knight-Questor Lyndis Hausendottir into the path of The Exiled Sylvaneth and their powerful Incarnate. The vampire’s forces were devastated, while the Knight-Questor was all but immediately incapacitated.
Elsewhere, the Spite-Revenants of The Hollowpine Wargrove continued to establish themselves amongst the people of The Hidden Tribe of Mila, slaying any members of The Cult of The Fell Dragon who wandered too close. In doing so, The Hollowpine disrupted the transfer of some of the stolen amberstone, claiming a portion for themselves.
Meanwhile, within a haunted town, the spirits under Malnihl the Fallen Thrall stirred, called by The Mortarch of Grief to bring Drakengrad under her dominion. Malnihl’s Necrosiarchs spilled out of cursed crevasses, seeking to steal the souls of the fleeing cultists for their lady. Instead, they were met by The Hungering Warherd, drawn to the abandoned town by the machinations of The Cult of The Fell Dragon’s own Propheter Anankos. However, the Propheter’s manipulations couldn’t satiate the beastmen’s hunger with the damned spirits of the Nighthaunt, instead leading the Warherd to buckle and consume some of their own number. The Necrosiarchs streamed past, snatching the amberstone from The Cult’s runners along with the terrified souls.
The Necrosiarchs continued their blitzing assault on the region, reaching one of the farming villages near Drakheim, where the allied contingent of Stormcast struggled to repel them.
In another village, Stormcast of The Shepherds Warrior Chamber, brother Chamber to The Children of The End Times within The Blades of Light Stormhost, were approached with an offer by Ahkellian King Mat’hain, who earlier assaulted Kharadron allies of Drakheim in search of souls for their dying enclave. The King requested the Stormcast allow the Idoneth to reap the souls of the small farming village to avoid further conflict and secure his allyship to The Free City in the coming battles against The Cult of The Fell Dragon. The Lord-Celestant of The Shepherds refused to compromise his duty to protect Sigmar’s people even for the sake of the Idoneth’s continuance. The ensuing fight was brutal, drawing in even the Lord-Aquilor of Drakheim herself, but she was too late to spare her allied Lord injury under King Mat’hain’s cruel blades. With this distraction, a group of Fell Dragon Cultist were able to elude The Children of The End Times, earning the Idoneth the Lord-Aquilor’s enmity.
With their mix of fortune and famine, The Cult of The Fell Dragon were able to secure a portion of the amberstone, but not enough to raise an avatar of their ruinous as they originally intended. Enraged, the warleaders of the Cult demanded a true show of their might, so that they may retake the remaining realmstone from the hated enemies in Drakheim. As the initial struggle for the amberstone settles, a new battle begins, one which seeks to challenge all in Drakengrad…