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Templar Champions Isthubar the Steadfast and Xshaeta the Observant

The Templar Champions Isthubar the Steadfast and Xshaeta the Observant are the two-headed Tzaangor in command of the expedition force of the Templars of Our Burning Saviour into Vulkaris.

Led by visions brought by Flames Isthubar and Xshaeta chart their way through the ruined kingdom, striving for some divine goal yet not fully clear.


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Burning Templar


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The expedition force consists of Isthubar and Xshaeta themselves, two Templar Chosen, three Templar warriors and three Sariant warriors, for a blessed number of 9.


After wiping out a group of Ghouls hiding within ruins at the outskirts of Vulkaris, the Templars defended their expedition against a Seraphon attack. By Our Saviour’s Grace, Isthubar and Xshaeta were granted gilded horns as a reward.

The Templars march on, deeper within the ruins of Vulkaris.

Duel at the End of Ash and Sigils

He tasted blood, and he spit it out. Beside him, Xshaeta’s head was hanging limp. Isthubar turned his neck towards the Blightking, hissing at him.With extreme effort, he staggered to his feet. An ugly, blubbering belly laugh greeted him as he once more faced the...