These ruins are half buried into the mountainside, still affected by much of the tectonic upheavals that hit the Dell for all these past centuries. Past the slanted entrances and broken masonry, rich with submarine symbols, opens a very deep temple with a large vaulted ceiling at least a mile wide, held by a forest of pillars, half flooded at the bottom with many areas requiring a raft or boat to traverse. Several large canals running all across have formed around the statues and roofs of smaller temple buildings, and the deep rooms are all flooded except for some air pockets in the few vaulted rooms. A tense power still is held in this place, as if a divine presence has taken notice of the entrance of trespassers here.
Mistress of Pain
Aengellania sat in her study, the first time in quite a while since she's been absent from...
The steel fangs smashed through an Ogor Maw tribe and orruk war clan guarding the outside of the temple grounds before stopping to repair their damaged weapons and armour before they set off to finish their holy crusade against the forces of destruction led by the da choppas.
(the steel fangs will stay here)
Durbok eyes the Slag Haulers warily, wondering if the amber blood bore any relation to that stuff he and his krew found at the temple. He didn’t like the look of those knights, seeing a couple of them were aelves and humies and….orruks? Dis wasn’t right. He was about to turn to Dethmuttera and suggest they find another route when he heard an awful shriek. A giant blur of fur, wings and claws crashed into one of the slag haulers. Several of the knights attacked the giant bat. While several fell, crushed by it’s claws, they managed to drive it away…and directly towards Durbok and his orruks.
“Oh bother”
Durbok limped away, looking behind him. Most of his boyz survived. It had been a nasty fight, and they weren’t able to fight both the monster and the knights. Dethmuttera had cast some spell, amplifying the rage of the dying monster and turning its attention back to those odd knights. He said the effect would be temporary but should give them enough time to escape. The only route was deeper into the crevasse, though.
Warcry solo game. Ironjawz on one side vs Terrorgheist and Graveguard representing our monster and knights. Narrow victory to the knights.