The Beastways is a large unaligned city, located in The Arid Lands Of Trirah. The entire city is built into a ravine, which is said to be carved out by great beasts of the past. Both sides of the ravine are barricaded by huge walls, neither of them with a gate. The walls keep out raiders, monsters and any other folks interested in destroying the city. The only way into the city is through one of the two elevators located at the top of the ravine, one on each side.
Within the city, folks of every grand alliance coexist. Everything from aelves to orruks can be found living within the walls. The laws forbid any form of discrimination and religious zealotry. Yet, discrimination is common on the lower levels. Tensions rise sometimes, but the need to survive keeps the city working together. A lot of city consists of shops and taverns, the city relying entirely on trade for it’s income. All kinds of goods swap hands quite often, paid for with the cities currency, Bones. Bones are tiny coins carved out of animal bones. Other currencies are often not valued within the city, so bringing cash from outside is worthless. The peace is kept by the cities army, called the Volunteers. The army consists of anyone who wishes to join, regardless of their species or allegiance.
The makeshift army is led by an aelf named Captain Garalon. He is held in very high regard with most within the city, the mention of his name is often enough to scare criminals off. Countless stories surround him, many of which are tales of how he singlehandly saved the city in some manner. Deep down, Galaron is just a simple aelf. He wasn’t born in a high society, working his way up through his prowess in combat and sheer determination. In the end, all he wants is to protect the town and those within.
The Golden Road runs close to The Beastways elevator, which brings many traders to the town, although some more reputable merchabts tend to avoid the Beastways.