Monstrous Denizen: Just before territories are decided, players roll off. The winner can set one MONSTER within 3” of the center of the battlefield. This is referred to as the monstrous denizen. Any MONSTER from any faction can be chosen. If the MONSTER is a mount, then it does not have a rider: ignore all rules that refer to the rider and use only those that apply to the mount. If there is uncertainty about any of them, roll off to decide.
At the start of each battle round, before determining priority, players roll off. The winner treats the monstrous denizen as a unit in their army for the duration of that battle round, and their opponent treats it as an enemy unit. The monstrous denizen’s commanding player can choose to attack it, but if they do then immediately they treat it as an enemy unit until the end of the battle round, and their opponent treats it as a unit in their army. The monstrous denizen cannot attack itself.
Site of Power: This is a terrain feature (preferably a suitably grand and imposing one) as close as possible to the centre of the battlefield. This terrain feature has the Nexus of Power scenery rule (see below) in addition to any other scenery rules it may have.
Nexus of Power: Add 1 to casting and unbinding rolls for WIZARDS while they are within 1“ of this terrain feature, and add 1 to prayer rolls for PRIESTS while they are within 1“ of this terrain feature. In addition, add 2 to the Bravery characteristic of units while they are within 6″ of this terrain feature.
Exhausted, dispirited, and lost, the Iron Bloods assess their journey in the Furyoth Dell. Lord Varon must reinvigorate his warriors and suggests a wild idea to deduce the location of Xarlanth. Meanwhile Varon and Irox observe Larisa Melborn’s slow fall into Khorne’s hands. Yet something else threatens to seize the scribe’s will and sanity.