The Vale of Efengie knew relative peace at the beginning of the Age of Sigmar. The many small kingdoms in the Vale included all manner of Orruks, Ogors, Chaos worshippers, and even the undead, but despite their fundamental differences, they maintained open trading relations, and their warfare was limited mainly to border skirmishes and political intrigue. All that changed when the long-dormant Gates of Eucebium opened unleashing Sigmar’s war against the Dark Gods.
Lady Vendetta of the Heartstealer Ogor tribes was the first to leap to Efengie’s defense. She mobilized her armies to reinforce the Gates and rebuff the would-be invaders. However, she found that her forces were the third party in an already raging war as Seraphon and Chaos Duardin streamed out of the Realmgates. The Gates had been opened and Efengie would never be the same.
The first target in the Vale was Lady Vendetta’s seat of power, Fort S’nak. All of Efengie converged on the Fort, choosing sides between Sigmar or the Dark Gods. After a long-fought battle, the Fort was captured by an alliance of Chaos Duardin led by invader High King Itzach bar Itzach and Beastlord Gorfax’s herd from the Dark Forest.

After suffering defeat twice, Lady Vendetta threw in her lot with the invading Seraphon leader Lord Cueyatl and they took to the skies to explore the mythical Skywell, an earthmote that was at its closest descent. There they met Branchqueen Faelyndyth, who promised to lead them to the Skywell’s magical spring said to grant immortality to those who drink from it. However, after they were ambushed by undead (a new development on her otherwise pristine isle), she double-crossed them and drank from the spring herself. While Vendetta and Cueyatl eventually found the spring, they did not find an ally in the Sylvaneth.
With their newfound magical prowess, the forces of Order attempted to harness the winds of magic at the Windswept Plains. However, it did not go as planned as the unholy alliance of Itzach, Gorfax, and an army of Spiderfang Grots were waiting there for them. Though they tried to stop the ruination of Efengie, they were not able to withstand the onslaught of Chaos and Destruction.
Chaos forces breached the walls of Bludor and laid brutal siege to it. The opposing armies fought to a standstill and, after many casualties on both sides, negotiated a peace. After the signing of ‘The Bludor Accords’, the less populous areas of Efengie were ceded to control of representatives of the Dark Gods, to be lorded over by the invading High King Itzach bar Itzach. However, business would be allowed to continue unimpeded between the cities and villages of the Vale.