A magnificent Temple of Slaanesh in Crobus, the city of Fallen Monuments. A great work of Slaaneshi architecture, the palace is a place of ostentatious domes, arabesque arcades, ornate balconies and hidden pleasure gardens.
Its extensive gardens are dotted with statues and sculptures, beautiful and bizarre to behold. Amongst the most remarkable is the great statue of Jhaellarex, Marquis of Monsters; a Keeper of Secrets much revered by portions of the local Hedonites.
The Palace has been dedicated to Beauty, the Arts, and all the Pleasures of the Senses; decadent feasts and celebrations are being held daily.
The populace of Crobus itself is forbidden to use for the more… deadly entertainments offered in the temple, so the Hedonites regularly raid the Khornate or Nurglite tribes of the area.
During the Hellscorn War, two hosts of Hedonites of Slaanesh accompanied the Templars of Our Burning Saviour in their war against the Khornates. These two hosts, one led by Lord Leandros di Avi’aor, the other by Lady Vestis Selancourte, were instrumental in the capture of the city, and were therefore granted the right to erect a temple to the Prince of Pleasure as a reward.
Although the city is governed by the Templars of Our Burning Saviour, the Faithful of Slaanesh still hold a highly influential position in the city, and the Grand Temple of Divine Indulgence is the center of their power.