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The Harazgor-Thrung


The Harazgor-Thrung are a clan of Dispossessed duardin from the Nassollotyl region in the Realm of Ghur. Following the devastation of Neolotl, many Harazgor duardin have found employ in the Hungering Steppe region in an outpost of the Sons of Bugman AEC.


In the Age of Myth, the ancestors of the Harazgor eschewed the traditional pickaxe to wield cauterising flame; in this way, they tamed the living mountains of Ghur, carved mighty holds, and liberated precious metals from the predatory landscape. A common sight in these ancient halls were specialised high temperature crucibles, essential to extract iron from exsanguinated beasts. These innovations made these duardin of Ghur valuable trade partners of the Lantic Empire and also of the Lofnir Lodge of Fyreslayers, with whom the bloodlines of the Harazgor greatly mingled with.

These familial links with the Lofnir empowered the rune-cunning and beast-ken of the Harazgor runesmiths; however, few among the Harazgor-Thrung today view their shared ancestry with the Lofnir with any fondness, remembering the Lofnir only as oathbreaking thagi for their mercenary alliance with Chaos. In the aftermath of the fall of the Lantic Empire, no longer trusting their cousins to not lead Chaos to their doors, the ancestors of the Harazgor collapsed their gates, isolating themselves from all others during the Age of Chaos. They took to defending their now narrowed points of entry with the same flame they used to tame Ghur, delivered without prejudice to any trespasser via powerful fire-spewing drakeguns. But even these measures were not enough to last the long centuries against relentless skaven and marauders, and eventually both the holds and the line of kings were lost. The ancestors of the Harazgor were scattered, the fate of many still unknown.

After the Age of Chaos, a group of this diaspora of duardin journeyed far to the north and participated in the founding of the city of Nassollotyl. In honour of the fiery god-beast Neolotl, they renamed themselves the Harazgor-Thrung (lit. Fire Beast Shieldwall) to commit themselves to the welfare of Neolotl and established productive forges powered by the beast’s natural heat.

Recently, the Harazgor-Thrung suffered greatly from the machinations of Drekazra the Unbowed, to whom a great grudge is owed both in their name and in the name of Neolotl as bereaved mother to the egg Drekazra murdered. They are even fewer in number now, and the peril of losing their ancestral knowledge is very real.


In the absence of their kings, the Harazgor-Thrung today organise under the leadership of a runelord whose succession is decided by craft rather than by lineage. The primary duty of the runelord is to remember and teach the ancient arts of flame-wielding, beast-ken, and iron-blood extraction, and all decisions of import are made to facilitate the success of that central duty. Supporting the runelord are sworn thanes, typically martial leaders of forgeguard or irondrake regiments, or cogsmith overseers of metalworking or ranching industries, made responsible for the martial and civic administration of the clan.

The Harazgor cultivate an affinity to creatures of fire, and took the discovery of Neolotl on their long exodus as divine revelation and calling to tend to the god-beast. Like the Lofnir, they also worship the Ur-Salamander Vulcatrix as an equal member of the duardin pantheon, but their religious canon diverges in that they too revere Nagwroth the fyre serpent, whom they claim is the child of the god-beasts Nagendra and Vulcatrix, as an agent of divine will who had foreseen the perfidy of the Lofnir and sought to destroy them before the Lofnir could do great harm. Many regiments of Harazgor irondrakes invoke the name of Nagwroth (ex. “The Lashtail of Nagwroth”) and shape its likeness on their weaponry.

The principle deities of the Harazgor are Thrungni, duardin god of runesmithing, and Vulcatrix.


  • Nassollotyl: A city of Sigmar astride two titanic beasts.
  • Brynzongor Landing: An outpost and amberbone mine in the Hungering Steppe.


  • Angzangrung: the use of high temperature crucibles to extract ironsand from the blood of beasts.


  • Dimzad Amberborn: A young runesmith born on Neolotl, suddenly in line to be named runelord; it is said his from-birth affinity with the god-beast makes him adept at the difficult art of crafting amberbone.
  • Fimbur the Droner: eldest of the forgeguard longbeards; a runesmith in his own right with no desire or taste for leadership; seeks to teach Dimzad what ancient lore he knows.

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Do not destroy without permission; you can mention or use them as NPCs for your Soulbound games or other works, but do not make any changes to their lore. In case you want to make a character a part of this clan and listed on the page, message me on discord: @Peacehammer

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