This is a new threat spotted in the Dell. Armored knights, some human, aelf, duardin or ogor, but also many orruks and grots, have started attacking your supply convoys. They wear heavy bright armour and wear colorful tabards, emblazoned with the symbol of a chalice, and often ride vicious and large monsters.
They strike quickly, almost as if they know their enemies’ position, charging in from a hidden path or swooping from the sky on flying creatures, and then retreat after the damage is done. They possess apparently superhuman strength and can withstand blows that would fell a normal mortal. Nobody knows who they are, save for their ancestries and how peculiarly they seem to work together. They appear to be extremely devoted and no amount of torture can make them crack: they expire before they can utter any words of value, dropping dead seemingly from no cause at all. Perhaps a curse is placed upon them to prevent them from talking?
The knights seem to been in league with the Slag-haulers, and it’s appears they have been in the Furyoth Dell for quite some time.