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The Lake of Despair

Lake of Despair-8f061549

Submitted by:

Tectonic Dan & Nuno Martins @WH_narratives

Ancient fortifications dot this high snowy peak, and the structures seem to be relatively intact compared to other places in the Dell. Explorers tell of deep catacombs underneath the snow and rock, filled with preserved traces of the civilization that existed here previously. So far they only brought back pottery shards and rusted weapons, however.

The area would be a perfect place to set up a real defensible position by any of those interested in conquering the vale, if not for its current guardians. A number of animated bronze statues, taking various centauroid forms, and wielding old but well-crafted weapons, challenge any who dare trespass. The challenge is truly a sporting one: the constructs seem to be looking to test each other’s skills, as well as those of their guests. Often the constructs will team up with invading enemy warbands, against each other, in a grand game of sorts.

When the battle is over though, the construct warriors will kick out any stragglers from the area, silently and without explanation.

Lake of Despair-8f061549

Submitted by:

Tectonic Dan & Nuno Martins @WH_narratives


Do not destroy without permission
Soulbound Doom Level: 4

Warcry Twist Rules:

Lake of Despair: dangerous terrain. Additionally, subtract 1 from the move characteristic of Move actions across the lake. Furthermore, any units that move on the ice more than 5″ from their initial position since the start of their activation, must roll a D3: they must move that amount further in the same direction they were moving during their last action. They cannot move backwards.

Realm Rules:

(Rules based on Holy Havoc, Holy Wars, by Steve Herner)

Construct Avatars: Each player has a Construct Avatar added to their army. The model counts as a friendly model (see the provided warscroll for rules). Construct Avatars can never attack each other. They use the warscroll for a Cygor, but they have no Keywords other than MONSTER, their Save is 4+ and they possess a Ward of 5+.

Lake of Despair: Must cover the center of the table, and occupy the majority of it. Deadly terrain. Additionally, subtract 1 from all run rolls to a minimum of 1, and any units that attempt a charge on the ice may attempt to charge units that are 15″ away instead of 12″. After the charge roll has been made the unit must add D3 to the charge roll and must move the full distance. You cannot move backwards. 

Cracks Underfoot: At the end of each battle round, roll a die for each unit standing on the Lake, on a 1-2 they suffer D3 Mortal Wounds.


Do not destroy without permission
Soulbound Doom Level: 4

Warcry Twists:

Lake of Despair: dangerous terrain. Additionally, subtract 1 from the move characteristic of Move actions across the lake. Furthermore, any units that move on the ice more than 5″ from their initial position since the start of their activation, must roll a D3: they must move that amount further in the same direction they were moving during their last action. They cannot move backwards.

Region of War Rules:

(Rules based on Holy Havoc, Holy Wars, by Steve Herner)

Construct Avatars: Each player has a Construct Avatar added to their army. The model counts as a friendly model (see the provided warscroll for rules). Construct Avatars can never attack each other. They use the warscroll for a Cygor, but they have no Keywords other than MONSTER, their Save is 4+ and they possess a Ward of 5+.

Lake of Despair: Must cover the center of the table, and occupy the majority of it. Deadly terrain. Additionally, subtract 1 from all run rolls to a minimum of 1, and any units that attempt a charge on the ice may attempt to charge units that are 15″ away instead of 12″. After the charge roll has been made the unit must add D3 to the charge roll and must move the full distance. You cannot move backwards. 

Cracks Underfoot: At the end of each battle round, roll a die for each unit standing on the Lake, on a 1-2 they suffer D3 Mortal Wounds.

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2 years ago

“… The Bronze statues are, by my best guess, left over from whatever civilisation once lived here. Until the Daemon Engines of home, they do not appear to be controlled by anyone (at least, no one our scouts have spotted), and whatever fuels them must be powerful indeed. If my theories are correct, these automaton are as old as the ruins, yet remain in much better condition.

On our second day of observing the area, two groups encountered each other upon the ice. The Orruk group hurled abuse at the nautical-appearing Ogors until a fight broke loose. Once combat had begun, multiple of the Automaton (or as I have dubbed them, the Centratrons) also joined the fray – seemingly fighting on both sides of the battle. They did not seek to kill their opponents, as you would expect of our Daemon Engines, and instead disarmed their enemies and moved onto the next “honourable” target. When the Ogors eventually put down the final Orruk, both groups were forcibly escorted out of the area (narrowly avoiding the camp from which we were observing).

It is my hypothesis that these Centratrons are ancient guardians of this area, once belonging to a civilisation that valued martial prowess rather than simple bloodshed, and were perhaps as skilled as, if not more than, our own Daemonsmiths. To test this theory, I have tasked Hazi (one of the Duardin) with challenging a Centratron to single combat, and if possible, capturing it. With the information I could gather from taking one apart, I could easily earn my place among the lecturers of the Hasloraxi Universities. Forever will they regret turning down my application for…” An extract taken from scattered notes found near the Lake of Despair.

(Hazi challenged a “Centratron” to single combat using the Warcry Pit Fight rules, and the Centurion Marshall stats to give him a fairer chance. He was unable to bring it down, and was escorted out of the area once defeated.)

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