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The Mighty Drizzleshroom

A shrill shriek echoes off the damp forest of mushrooms as a tall Grot appears not far from where the group unceremoniously landed. Bulbous mushrooms pierce his skin and his eyes are lit with wicked madness. His skin and clothing are soaked through, as if he has just emerged from a pool of slime. He points one gnarled finger at the crushed mushrooms, turns his mad gaze towards the group, then screams a string of incomprehensible curses in their direction, ending with ‘You dare to harm the children of the MIGHTY DRIZZLESHROOM!’ Sickly eldritch energy wreathes his form as his rantings reach a deafening crescendo that fills the mushroom garden.

The Mighty Drizzleshroom is a Fungoid Cave-Shaman that heads a force of Gitz that lurk beneath the Kindling Forest and have sworn an insane oath to douse all the fires in Aqshy.

When Drizzleshroom goes to battle he rides atop a huge Dankhold Troggoth. It towers above the Grots and Squigs, and bends under the weight of a bloated cluster of wide-capped mushrooms that protrude from its back in the shape of a twisted throne. Atop these mushrooms, cackling with mad mirth and dripping with spore-thick slime, is where The Mighty Drizzleshroom sits.

Drizzleshroom fell at the Battle of the Kindling Grund. Borgut Face-beater, transformed into a mighty Maw-crusha felled the mad wizard as he rode to stop The Grund from leaving the Kindling forest. Drizzleshroom’s Troggoth survived his masters death, but fell from The Grund from a great hight, after being hit between the eyes by an arrow from Cerlana Darkstride

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Very much dead

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