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The Reaping

May 23, 2022


Emerging from the aetherstream, King Mat’hain looked around the region as he took a deep breath.  “Ahh, the souls of the lesser races are ripe for the plucking.  Send the alloplexes around to the far side of the settlement and the reavers south.  We will encircle them and prevent their escape.  Tollian, have we gotten a response to our missive?” 

The leader of the Ishlaen Guard shakes his head.  “No, but I can see the glint of their armors moving the population into groups.  I think that is our response.”

The Ahkellian King turns.  “A pity, but it is their decision nonetheless.  And they have grouped them up for us, how nice.”  With a wave, he draws his polearm and points, giving the signal to attack.  The souls of the populace would be theirs.

The morning breeze was chilly and a slight mist creeped along the ground.  “There is no way they would attack—not after telling us they are coming, but we will be sure of it.  Once the civilians are grouped up prepare to move them to safety!  We have other things to deal with than these pirates.”  Chrom ordered.  He did not see why he needed an escort of Praetors, but it was more manpower to do what was needed. 

No sooner than he finished speaking that a volley of arrows rained down seemingly from nowhere.  One of his guard fell, his helmet rolling off onto the misty ground.  A second, taking several shots, and despite being wounded, held to his feet, only to receive a harpoon rendering them down as well.  A second harpoon hit where the plates were thicker on the third, seemingly leaving the last with nothing more than a dented breastplate.  “They are here!  To arms!  Get the civilians out of here.”  He points, moving the civilians he had been escorting towards the portal to the city.  “Move!” 

On the other end of town, screams could be heard amidst the snapping of tails and the crackle of bio-electricity.  The Idoneth Deepkin were attacking en force.

As the last of the Retributors fell, Mat’hain sneered and opened a portal, sending the civilians the Retributors were escorting back to be harvested later.  “Good, prepare to…”  Before he could finish, Vindictors had fallen onto them from their position on the far side of the building, sending their civilians away from the main of the host.  “Defend yourselves!” 

The battle on the northern end of the town was brief but bloody for both sides.  Several thralls fell, but far more punishing, all of the Ishlaen Guard fell to defend their king.  Whether they were dead or simply unconscious would have to wait for later.  “I can see the desire to run, Vindictor.  I never wanted to draw blades with you.”  He smirks down at the last woman to hold her spear.

 “But… the people… Their… lives.” 

“Their lives are forfeit already, throw yours away and your goals here become harder.  Send word to your leaders we are not your enemy, even still.  Or turn on me and join your comrades on the dirt.” 

Vindictor-Prime Cordelia had little option.  The civilians she and her comrades were sent to protect had been given time, and the ones here were gone.  If she was going to be given a chance to flee and report back, she would take it.  Knowing the speed of the Deepkin, she threw down her shield and spear to make her escape easier.  “Let her go. Remember why we are here. Thralls, stand ground and make sure no more are in these buildings.”  The mists had lifted, but the wind seemed to always be at the backs of the Idoneth as if a breeze blowing in off the sea.

Looking at the dead around him, Mat’hain nods to the last guard.  “We will not last long in the open. Let’s drop the archers now, then use cover to circle back around.” 

The pair of Stormcast turned to race towards the reavers, the blinded Deepkin took aim once again.  “Give them hell!”  One of the Idoneth shouted. As they opened fire, a brilliant flash of light distracted some of the shots, but not enough to save the last Praetor. 

“F… sir!  Lookout!”  Lord-Aquilor Lucina shouted as she urged her gryph-charger to move faster than it ever had before to help Chrom deal with the Deepkin.  The reavers were excellent at ranged attack, but when set upon by the duo they were quickly rendered neutralized.  As the allopexes took up new positions, the shots rang out again, clanging off of Lucina’s armor but injuring Chrom.  Using the rush of adrenaline, the Lord-Aquilor wheeled around and ordered the first group of civilians through the portal as she rushed by. In a series of lightning blows, she slew the allopex before it or its riders could even strike at her.

As the breeze picked up, Mat’hain found the final group nearing the injured Lord-Celestant’s position. The stubbornness of the Sigmarite was clear as the other allopex moved between him and Lucina.  Lucina felt a twinge of dread as she realized she had been pulled out of position, leaving her injured commander and father vulnerable.  “Get back!” she hollered at him as she ducked the oncoming allopex who wanted vengeance for its kin.  A single scratch found its way through and she knew the beast would smell her blood. 

All she could hear was a faint squishing sound of blade entering her father.  “NO!” 

The king turned his head.  “Oh, don’t worry, he’s not dead.  Not yet.”  The Ahkellian seemed to glow as he drew on the man’s soul. 

“Monster!  I’ll hunt you down!”

 Mat’hain smirks.  “Oh?  Going to follow me around, are we?  I didn’t know I had that effect on Sigmarite women.” He grins and pushes the man back as he opens a portal to take the last group of civilians.  “We have what we are after.  If you want a kiss, you’ll have to find me elsewhere.  Deepkin!  Back beneath the waves!”  Those left on the field took the order to heart and quickly fled. 

Lucina was left alone in a settlement that had been raided, not a single other conscious being remained except her and her bleeding father.  “I’ll kill you!”  She cursed Mat’hain’s name as she ran over and saw to Chrom’s wounds, stabilizing him before recomposing herself for the larger fight at hand. 

Over the coming weeks, the Lord-Aquilor would receive reports of Deepkin harassing cultist camps and supporters.  While professionally, they helped their cause, Lucina’s desire for revenge made her send scouts to find the man responsible.  “Mat’hain Pleurannos… I will find you, I will kill you.” She sighed.  “I promise that.”

More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.

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More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.