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The Sylvaneth of Concendia


Our three explorers won’t have it all their own way. Whether they were trapped behind the shroud, or have been waiting for it to recede, the Sylvaneth have a substantial presence on the Isle of Concendia and have their own goals. They’ve already been encountered by Stormcast of the Celestial Vindicators after the tree-folk destroyed a small settlement for reasons unknown, but which might be related to the events on Concendia.

While the Sylvaneth won’t be seeking clues themselves they will be actively trying to hamper the other explorers, including protecting some of the locations that the explorers might want to investigate. With a mixture of guile and force, however, the explorers and their inner circle might be able to wrest some clues off the tree-folk to help them better understand the story of Concendia and the secret that lies at its heart.


Submitted by:

The Weaver


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