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The Talons

The Hordes of Khorne

In the realm of Carcosa, chaos reigns. 
Mortal champions are thrown into arenas to fight to the death for the entertainment of demons, and other mortals. It is a land of chaos, a city of despair, a place of darkness. 
In these arenas, every day hundreds, if not thousands of people are killed. However, some warriors gain power, affected by the chaos in the air, becoming stronger and more violent every day. For some, being kept prisoner is something they can fix, and so, suddenly, a mere 15 years ago, the Event (as it is known amongst us, the Talon), occurred. Warriors of great power, leaders, wizards, twisted and corrupted by chaos, fled. Any who dared fled with these champions, their corrupted mortal forms twisted, no longer proud members of the freeguild or of pilgrims seeking a new life in the city, but cultists and angry berserkers. Upon their exit from a realmgate, into the land of Chamon, an unwelcome sight greeted the chaotically affected warriors. A large band of khorne demons, rampaging through the Fields of Iron. But rather then allow these warriors to be killed by the demons, the Great Lord of Skulls himself started The Event. In the laughing of Gods, of Blood, of magic and power, through deals with the other Chaotic beings, a new order was formed, a new army. The Talons.
Imbued with otherworldly power, These beings were adopted by the chaos gods. Almost all, by khorne. A handful, however, by nurgle and by Tzeench. A small, Slaanesh force which had chased the escapees through the gate from Carcosa were also given protection, that they serve the Khornate masters who they were attempting to catch, and not harm them. It was an event of great power, the forging of brands, granting of powers, gifting of weapons, and unholy alliances, all forging one warband. 
But it was not the end. 
The Khorne demonkin were forced by their eternal master to join, and serve, under this warband. Thus, the Demonkin of Khorne fell under the sway of the Talon. 

The large amount of power exhibited, by the Tzeench and Nurgle aspects, of life and death, caused two very powerful wizards on great beasts to arrive surrounded by a host of underlings. These, also, were corrupted, slowly. Nurgle, Father of life, Health, and Sickness, he twisted the beings, who served the undead. He did not change them completely, for they had other uses. But, from now on, they did not serve Nagash, but Nurgle, and the Talons. The third part of the Talon was formed. 

Da Red toofs, a warband of Orcs of ironjaws, bonesplitterz, and Kruelboyz, had existed for many years. They had dominated, and joined, a section of Ogres, or ‘Da big uns’. These they adopted well, and together krumped many small tribes, including a section of lil uns, whom they now use as servants. 
Unbeknownst to them, Khorne had marked them out as his. Only the ‘lil uns weird boyz’ noticed any difference, with red paint and skulls replacing the iconography the orks used, the ogres hunger developing more for blood, then meat, and the ‘lil uns’ becoming far more savage in battle, seeking blood. But there is nothing they can do- the tribe has been, slowly, corrupted. While worshipping Gork and Mork, the orruks now also worship, in battle, indirectly, Khorne and the Laughing Gods of Chaos.

Thus, we are the Talon. We are strong. We serve Khorne, in blood. Some of us worship Nurgle, Tzeench, or even Slaanesh. Some raise undead, some are beasts, some are Green and never work with us in the field. But we are all part of one Talon, one cult, one Being dedicated to the Blood God, from whom all Blood shall flow. 

The Hordes of Khorne

Submitted by:

The Dark Scribe


Do not destroy without permission

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