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The Towering Court


The Towering Court is a kingdom near-corrupted by the curse of the flesh-eaters. However, unlike most other mordants, they are aware of their feral hunger. They just see no issue with consuming their foes. For what is nobler than to be the master predators of the realm of beasts?

The King is no fool however, and is more than willing to allow these new settlers to come to the Steppe as vassals to his great kingdom.

Those who wish a seat in the King’s court must share in his flesh. They undergo the ghoulish transformation and are bound to his will.

The Court started small but quickly grew as the tribes of the Steppe grew desperate and gave in to the King’s demands. Even the mawtribes answered the call of the Towering King, for what ogor could say no to a lifetime of feasting?

With the growing power of the King’s armies, the time for action has arrived. The knights of the court seek to fulfill their oaths to their king.

By mastering the Amber Stampede, the Towering Court will create an army powerful enough to conquer the Steppe once and for all.


King Elrog of the Towering Court : The Great Weave


The Fangwood


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Path to Story


The Towering Court is a major faction within the Hungering Steppe. You can use them as allies or adversaries in your Path to Glory battles.

Recommended Armies to portray them as:

  • Sons of Behemat
  • Ogor Mawtribes
  • Flesh Eater Courts
  • Untamed Beasts/Darkoath focused Slaves to Darkness
  • Any army with an emphasis on savage nobility

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