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Thorn’s Troggmob


For a long time, the Troggboss called Thorn da Ogorshield (called such because he once used an ogor as a shield during a fight) resided in the caverns of the Lustrare Valley. Alas, that state could not last forever. Nobody really knows the reason, but at some point Thorn left Lustrare with a group of Rockgut Troggs, intent on exploring Ghur.

According to one witness, Thorn said something about ‘lookin fer sommat noice ta eat…’

During his travels, more Troggoth joined his slowly growing warband. From its start with just Rocky, Flint, and Kryz, others were added to the Troggmob. Hook, Big Bobber, Pebble, and many others joined in as the Troggmob stomped its way across Ghur, looking for… well… nobody really knows what they were looking for. It wasn’t until a Hag named Mama Feeshie joined the mob with her Fellwater Trogg boyz that the Troggmob found a purpose. Guided by the Hag, Thorn and his Troggmob joined up with Bristlewacka’s Orruks, intent on ‘stormin da walls’ or at least tromping through some nearby caves…


Submitted by:

Lar'yan the Scrivener


If Thorn dies in combat, he will eventually regenerate. Troggoth do that. His Troggmob, if broken badly enough in combat, will disperse for a while, but will eventually reform elsewhere in Ghur.

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