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Thunderhorn Ke-lan


Glassy, tinkling hooves of a tall, gossamer coated unicorn-like creature clink-clink as it sniffs at the moss growing northerly on one of the prismatic needles. Opaline eyes glance over at you, first unconcerned… and then slightly annoyed. And then incensed. This creature is in fact larger than a moose… much larger and the tinkling of hooves turned to a roar of shattering glass as it charges. Electric discharges spark out of its crystalline fur, and arc around its glowing horn. Ke-lans are rare and their horns much prized, but these beasts are incredibly powerful and can roast entire hunting parties if care is not exercised.


Submitted by:

Tectonic Dan & Nuno Martins @WH_narratives


Cannot be made extinct. Feel free to kill as many as you can, though.

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