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Traverse the Forests

Commenting on this Quest at this time will affect the Forests, but will not affect the Withervane of the current campaign. Across the flame-parched plains of Aqshy and the light-bleached deserts of Hysh, a wild story gripped the denizens of the realms. A site of ancient legend in Ghyran, the Realm of Life, held entire reservoirs of Aqua Ghyranis - enough to want for nothing ever again, to expand a mortal lifespan by centuries or to conduct powerful arcane rituals.

Game Master Notes

This Quest is connected to Stage One of The Slidecrown Sundering. If you’re wanting to contribute to this Quest, please be sure to look over the Campaign. 

When commenting, be sure to explicitly confirm which team you’re submitting on behalf. Rogues, remember, you can only support one of the other two teams for each Stage – and so can only support one for each Quest.

- The Weaver -

Custom Submissions

This Campaign requires us to use secret submissions – so you never know which team has the most points.

Because of this, this Quest exists to provide context for the current Stage, and the Comments section below can be used to show others what you’ve been doing!

In order to submit to the campaign and gain your Team points, use this form:

Greedy skaven eyes gleamed out amidst Thyria’s swamps. Shining phalanxes of Lumineth set out on swift mounts for Ghyranite realmgates, chasing legends of a relic from the Age of Myth. As many human soldiers seeking to drain this hallowed place set out as those seeking to preserve it. A small stomp of gargants found themselves vexed by the influx of warriors intruding upon their fishing spot – and the rival stomps taking a strange interest in their territory.

Some Treelord Ancients amidst the Sylvaneth remembered well the Slidecrown Isle and the Kurnothi Monarch that fell there. Yet even there were the seeds of conflict sown: many of Alarielle’s children resented the presence of such concentrated power and treasure, for it drew covetous filth from every corner of the realms. Yet more felt bitter about the many aspirants clashing over relics and resources that should rightfully belong to the Everqueen – or, at least, be left in sacred peace.

As armies of every kind descend upon the Slidecrown Isle, each with their own designs upon its hallowed treasures, they face a bloody battle to exert their will – lest they fall under the armoured boots of their rivals.



Protect the forest. Enemies are cutting their way through the isle’s trees in an attempt to reach its reservoirs. It is important to you that the forest remains standing, regardless of whether your motivations are more spiritual, or if they are simply necessary for your own survival. You must protect the Slidecrown Forest by any means necessary.


Destroy the forest. The Slidecrown Isle is ringed by thick forest, much of it wild and sprawling with roots that brim with jade magic. What your army seeks lies beyond this arboreal blanket. If you are to move your warriors forward and reach your chosen prize, you must destroy the forest before you.


Strip the forest. The Slidecrown Forest is no natural wood. Each tree grows to several times its natural size, drinking deeply from the reservoirs beyond. Poultices derived from its leaves are of impossible value, and its timber can form weapons charged with Jade Magic. Seize the opportunity of the ongoing war to claim your prize by any means necessary.

Age of Sigmar Battlepack:

For those playing Age of Sigmar Games, we recommend playing with the Battlepack found in White Dwarf 493 on page 46!


Throughout the campaign you will gain access to an abundance of relics for both Warcry and Path to Glory. The Team that accrues the most points for each Quest will win that stage, and move the Withervane closer towards their goal. Rogues who support the winning team will win Relics unique to Rogues.

(Confused about points? be sure to check out the campaign page)

Winner’s Armoury Table

D6 Artefact of Power Effect
1 Jadewood Bow: This bow guides the wielder’s arrows with magic drawn from the realm itself. It is thought to have been carved by the Slidecrown Isle’s ancient kingdom AoS: Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of missile weapons used by friendly units while they are wholly within 9″ of the bearer.
Warcry: Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of ranged attack actions made by the bearer.
2 Jadewood Gauntlets: These relic gauntlets are carved from the Sidecrown Isle’s cloud-scraping trees. They augment the speed of the wearer’s strikes with Ghyranite magic. AoS: Add I to the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by friendly units while they are wholly within 9″ of the bearer.
Warcry: Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee attack actions made by the bearer.
3 Jadewood Armour: Armour carved from the Slidecrown Isle’s trees long ago. Though it has grown over with moss, the magic within renders it tough as steel. AoS: Add 1 to the bearer’s Wounds characteristic.
Warcry: Add 4 to the bearer’s Wounds characteristic.
4 Sap Ghyranis: The sap of the isle’s native plants is rich with Aqua Ghyranis. This potent mixture can heal wounds in an instant, bringing warriors back from the brink of death. AoS: At the end of each battle round, you can heal up to D3 wounds allocated to the bearer.
Warcry: At the end of each battle round, roll a dice and remove a number of damage points allocated to the bearer equal to the roll.
5 Cyclestone Shard: This rare shard of realmstone allows the bearer to bend the environment to their advantage, giving them greater control over the battlefield. AoS: At the start of each turn, if the bearer is on the battlefield, roll a dice. On a 4+, you gain 1 additional command point.
Warcry: At the end of each battle round, if the bearer is on the battlefield, roll a dice. On a 4+, add 1 wild dice to your saved wild dice.
6 Zephyrwing Grub: These juvenile beetles will attach themselves to creatures they bond with. Capable of sensing intent, they will attack any who threaten their guardian. AoS: Each time the bearer is targeted by a combat attack, after that attack has been resolved, inflict 1 mortal wound to the attacking unit.
Warcry: When the bearer makes the Counter reaction, for each hit roll of 1, allocate 1 additional damage point to the attacking fighter.


Rogue’s Armoury Table

D6 Artefact of Power Effect
1 Rainstay Boots: Blessed by long-dead Jade Wizards, these boots harness life magic to augment the legs of their wearer. AoS: Add 1 to the bearer’s Move characteristic.
Warcry: Add 1 to the bearer’s Move characteristic.
2 Dragonspite Stinger: Stingers pried from dead dragonspites are filled with debilitating toxins. They can be concealed and wielded as daggers to deadly effect. AoS: Each time the bearer makes a combat attack, on a unmodified wound roll 6, inflict 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any other damage.
Warcry: Add 2 to the damage allocated by each critical hit from attack actions made by the bearer.
3 Branchwych Blood: This sap is made from a slurry of Branchwych remains. Curdled by the anger of the dying tree-spirit, it is highly venomous and can be used to coat weapons. AoS: Once per battle, in your hero phase, you can say the bearer will use this artefact of power. If you do so, until the start of your next hero phase, unmodified hit rolls of 5+ for attacks made by the bearer inflict 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any other damage.
Warcry: Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact of power as a bonus action. Until the end of this fighter’s activation, attack actions made by this fighter score a critical hit on a roll of 5+.
4 Mossback Cloak: This Kurnothi cloak is crafted from mossback boar hides. The green-tinted fur grants wearers a measure of camouflage. AoS: The bearer cannot be targeted by attacks made by units that are more than 12″ away from them.
Warcry: The bearer is not visible to fighters that are more than 12″ away from them.
5 Spitehive Comb: A preserved hive filled with dormant spites. Pieces of honeycomb can be broken off and hurled, awakening the angry insects within. AoS: Once per battle, in your hero phase, you can say the bearer will use this artefact of power. If you do so, pick up to 3 visible enemy units within 9″ of the bearer and roll a dice for each. On a roll of 4+, inflict D3 mortal wounds to the unit being rolled for.
Warcry: Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact of power as a bonus action. Pick a visible enemy fighter within 6″ of this fighter and roll a dice for that fighter and each other fighter within 3″ of that fighter and visible to that fighter. On a roll of 4+, allocate 3 damage points to the fighter being rolled for.
6 Kurnothi Peryton: This trusting faun is greatly attached to its owner. It will throw itself in harm’s way to protect them, no matter the cost to itself. AoS: The bearer can retreat and charge in the same turn.
Warcry: When the bearer makes a disengage action, add 1″ to the distance they can move, and enemy fighters cannot make reactions to that action.

Have you played through this Quest or Rumour?

If you’ve played through or resolved this in any way, be sure to tell us right here on the Quest page, we’d love to know what happened!

Don’t forget, for this Campaign specifically, you need to use the form to gain points for your Team:

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1 year ago

Annan Lyre’s Death-Quest has pierced the forest wall of Slidecrown Isle and now can begin an exploration of the interior. https://thegreatweave.com/the-falsehood-of-stories/

1 year ago

Hashrakul calls the Heresiarch’s Synod to order, establishing a beachhead on the Isle after some necessary housecleaning.

Lon Vagabond
1 year ago

A hunt musters in Yuewall to take sword and flame to the Slidecrown Isle (Obliterators) https://thegreatweave.com/the-thorn-crown-hunt/

1 year ago

Nazbag Stinkbrain fells a titanic tree. To Reap a Titan : The Great Weave

Burning Templar
1 year ago

The Promised Conflagration, a warship of the Templars of Our Burning Saviour under the command of Templar Champion Escarosht the Ardent, clears a landing zone on the shores of Slidecrown Isle.


1 year ago

Squallbringer’s team is here!

Burning Templar
1 year ago

While Burning down the forest to save the forest from infection, the Templars were attacked by another vanguard of Nurglite warriors. After a bitter and bloody battle, the Nurglites were driven off, with many of them dead and Cleansed by Fire.

Templar Warcry Victory

1 year ago

The Feculent Alchemists Society start a search for ingredients for the perfect cure.


1 year ago

The Heresiarch’s Synod tests the mettle of the White Ravens against Morathi-cultists. https://thegreatweave.com/report-to-the-heresiarch-the-white-ravens/

1 year ago

The master of the Heresiarch’s Synod is disappointed in the Coin Lords’ poor performance against Annan Lyre’s Death Quest. https://thegreatweave.com/report-to-the-heresiarch-the-coin-lords/

1 year ago

Khask and his Iron Golems arrive to plunder the Isle.

Dreams : The Great Weave

1 year ago

Tezcacoatl (the son of my army’s general) leads a band of hunters (i.e. ghouls) to scout ahead of the main crusade, and they run into several Blightkings.
Scouts & Boils : The Great Weave

Burning Templar
1 year ago

The Templars of Our Burning Saviour establish a forward base deep in the forest and deliberate about their next moves.