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Tyria Whitemane

Wielding the Burning Scales, Tyria bring justice and order to lands gripped in anarchy. With cold judgement and burning blade, she fights back against the corruption of the realms


Submitted by:

Lon Vagabond


Do not destroy without permission

First Lord-Veritant of the Scarlet Hand Stormhost, Tyria sees her duty not only as the rooting out of corruption, but also, as the upholding of justice. For in the shadow of injustice does hate and resentment fester, and provide fertile ground for corruption to take root. 

As the Scarlet Hand joins dawnbringer crusades across the realms, Tyria marches with them, a figure of awe and fear. Her eyes ritually blindfolded, she judges all before her with cold impartiality. When judgement comes it is fair, swift, and ruthless. More than once, a Freeguild Marshal out on expedition has thought themselves above the laws of their men, or been tempted by dark offers, only to be put back in their place by the edge of Whitemane’s blazing sword. Even other stormcast are not beyond the Lord-Imperatant’s approach, for law and purity must extend to all, or they will protect none. 

When the crusades and expeditions achieve their goal, and set their roots in the volatile earth of the realms, Tyria’s duty does not end. Like the rest of her stormhost, she plays and active role in city building, seeing it as an integral part of their duty and purpose. Under her tutelage are the magistrates and judges of the new settlement trained, ensure the virtues of fairness and piety will be built into the foundation of the new settlement. 


Tyria’s home was lost to the forces of chaos as they rampaged across the realms long before she was born. She fell in battle, attempting to reclaim it. Part of a vanguard of seasoned warriors, she and her companions had led a selfless diversionary strike, to draw out the main force of the enemy. The sacrifice had been for nought though, as the commander of the main force retreated rather than joining battle, fearful of the costs. Tyria died watching their banners retreat from the horizon, half a dozen arrows piercing her body, and vowed with her last breath to seek retribution on the interlopers, and justice for those betrayed. 

Reforged upon Sigmar’s anvil, she eagerly joined the Scarlet Hand on its crusades, seeking to reclaim lost lands with fiery zeal. Though the Scarlet Hand never returned to her homeland, it mattered not, as long as the occupiers blood could be spilt. 

Her keen sense of judgement and fairness earned her a place among the Veritant, and her unique approach to the role saw her rise in prominence among the civilisation minded Scarlet Hand. She has become a symbol for many of what they all aspire to be, a warrior and scholar, helping to rebuild upon the battlefields and city streets alike. 

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