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Vogg’s Troggflow

Native to the Bright Mountains of Aqshy, the trogghorde known as Vogg’s Troggflow is a serious threat to travellers and prospectors in the region. Vogg, the eponymous troggoth king, makes his lair in the conquered magmahold of the Vastanari Fyreslayers, an offshoot of the Greyfyrd lodge who have long since been driven from their ancestral halls. Though similar in appearance to a dankhold troggoth, Vogg lacks the telltale fungal growth of his cousins as the magma he frequently bathes in burns off any that take root. Vogg and his horde originally invaded the magmahold for reasons unknown, though scholars theorize that they were attracted by some sort of treasure secreted away there.

Vogg’s horde consists primarily of a subspecies of rockgut troggoth that have adapted to the lava flows and magma geysers of the area, whose blood runs as hot as the molten rock among which they make their lairs. Sometimes these “lavaguts” will grow large enough to rival the size of a dankhold troggoth. When the troggflow ranges from the mountains, they are often accompanied by fellwater troggoths, who are inexplicably comfortable in the tar pits and prismatic springs of the surrounding lowlands. Lately, troggoth raids have risen sharply, and Spearian officials fear that some malign intelligence is driving them.

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